Chapter I

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"Memphis lets go! You're going to be late on your first day!" My mother yelled.
  "Alright I'm going!" I hold my apple in my mouth and run to the couch to grab my bag.

Today I start my first day at Eagle Summit High, and I'm NOT looking forward to it. My mom says it's a great school, but she's said that about every time I've been to a new one.

My mom and dad split up about a year ago, my mom got full custody. She got a new job as well so we've had to move around a lot. This is my fourth school in the past year.

"Got everything you need?" My mother ask as we enter the car.
"Uh yeah." I quickly reply as I get my iPhone out of my bag. I do this every morning, to see if I get any messages for my dad.

I don't know why I check my phone for messages from him, I never get any.
We pull up into the parking lot.
"Thanks mom, see you around 3:30." I say as she yells 'I love you!'.
I put my hand up in the air to let her know that I heard her and that I love her too.

I walk into the office to a little old lady. I looked at her name tag that read 'Ms Simons'.
"Um, hello." I say with a fake smile.
"Hey there sweet-heart! How may I help you?" She says in a sweet soft smile.
"I'm uh- I'm Memphis Gaze, I'm new here." I tell her.
"Okay sugar, lemme find your information." She says as she turned around and went through some files. "Here we go."

"Here's your schedule, and your ID number to get lunch from the cafeteria. Also here's a map so you won't get lost, ESH (Eagle Summit High) is pretty big!" She says with a small chuckle.
"Okay, thanks." I wave and walk out into the hallway. "Alrighty- so where's the lockers.." I start to walk while looking at the map Ms Simons gave me. Then out of no where I bump into a guy, dropping all of my stuff.

"Oh, haha, sorry." The boy laughs a little.
I huff and get down on my knees to pick everything up. He gets down and try's to help but I put my arm up to stop him from grabbing anything.
"I got it, thanks." I say with a tone of frustration.
"Easy princess, I was just helping." He says.
I finally look up.

"Who do you think-" I pause as I look up to see him grinning.
"Alexander, but everyone calls me Alex." He says, putting his hand out for me to shake it.
"I-I-I'm Memphis. Memphis Gaze." I say while starring into his beautiful green emerald eyes.
He chuckles. "Nice to meet you, Memphis Memphis Gaze."

I snap myself out of it and glare at him.
"I need to get going." I say as I start to stand.
He does that adorable chuckle again.
"Okay princess, whatever you say." He grins.
I flinch at the little nickname that he gave me.

"Don't call me that." I snap at him.
"Feisty one." He smiles.
I sigh and he chuckles.
"So where you headin' too?" he smiles.
"I was trying to find the lockers, but instead I bumped into-" I paused. "you." I glared my eyes.

"Haha, I'll show you the way, that's is if you'd like?" his grin gets wider and he finally hands me my note book.
I just stand there, looking into his beautiful eyes again, shocked that he's even talking to me.

I shake my head and look down.
"Can we just get going please? I don't wanna be late to class on the first day." I huff.
"Sure, sugar-plum. Anything for you." He winks as he grabs my hand and starts walking.

"Dude! Let go." I say angry like.
"Alright alright." He raises his arms as if he's surrendering.
We walk for a good 2 minutes and he finally says, "We're here."
"Thanks." I wave him goodbye as he winks and blows a kiss.

Who does he think he is? God that kid needs help.. I shake my head and go to locker 346 and set everything inside.

I head out to my first class, which is History.
I sit down at a table in the back and, of course,
Alex comes walking into the room and sat down right next to me.

Oh. my. gosh.

He grins, "Well if it isn't my princess."
"I said don't call me that!" I growl.
He puts his bag down right beside me and had that grin again.

The bell rings and I set my belongings down while Alex leans back in his seat and kicks his feet up.
"Could you not?" I turn towards him.
"Sorry sweetie pie, but I've been in this junky school much longer than you have. I basically rule this joint. I do what I want, when I want." He winks again.

"Stop calling me those names! We're not even dating, and I've only known you for literally an hour!" I hiss.
"What's going on back there?" The teacher, Mr. Drake, asked.
"Nothing Mr. D, just showing the new girl around." He winks again, but twice with a blown kiss.

"Oh, a new student? Oh! I forgot, you're miss Gaze, correct?" He sounded surprised.
"Uh.. Yeah." I say shyly.
"Well why don't you stand up and tell us a few things about yourself. Like first name, favorite hobby, and favorite subject." Mr. Drake smiles.

I slowly push my chair out and stand up.
"Um, well my name is Memphis. Uh I like to swim and my favorite subject is art." I slowly nod my head and everyone claps.
I sit back down and Alex looks at me.

"Good job, M." He pats my back.
M, hmm. I actually like that.
"Thanks." I give him a small smile.

I'm actually proud of this first chapter.
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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