《Chapter 9》

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I rode my bike to work but as I passed by Joaquin's house,he called me. "Krystal!" I stopped pedaling and raised an eyebrow at him. He walked closer to me. "Where are you going?"

"Why does it matter to you?" I started pedaling again but he catched up and held my arm so I stopped. "Okay,I'm going to work so can you please stop? I'm going to be late if you keep on doing that."

"Where's your work?" He asked, "Why do you work?"

"You don't need to know." I continued pedaling until I reach Cool Summer. "Hello,Ms. Yasmin. Goodmorning!" I greeted the owner and placed my backpack on the chair. I started working.

While I was getting the order of a customer,I hear the bell. It's a tiny bell that was hung on the door to know if someone came in. As soon as it rang,I greeted the customer without looking and said, "Welcome to Cool Summer!" I finished preparing the last customer's order so I looked up to see who the new customer is. New customers,rather.

"Hey,Ms. Krystal." Jessica greeted. She looked at the ice cream flavors and said, "May I get a chocolate peanut butter with a marshmallow in it. On a cup please." She smiled at me and I nodded. She looked at Andre and asked, "What do you want,babe?" I cringed to what she just said. I'm still not use to it even if they've been together for almost a year already.

"I'll get the same." He smiled at Jessica and then to me. They payed for it and I prepared their orders as they sat down near the counter.

I brought their orders on their table and sat infront of them. I watched them eat the ice cream spoon by spoon and as soon as they finished it,they stood up and headed to the door. I stood behind the counter again but I said, "By the way guys,I saw him yesterday." It made them stop.

They ran back to the counter and asked me a few questions like, "Who?" "How?" "Why?" "What happened?".

"Later,there's many customer right now so if you really care about my story,wait for my work to end." I winked at them.

"We'll be out and then we'll catch up with you at 5:30pm." Jessica said while she repeatedly nodded a few times. "Are we cool with that?"

"Sure,sure." They opened the door,at last and I bid them goodbye. "Thanks for coming to Cool Summer!"

My phone vibrated and I saw Andre texted, "The ice cream's good. We'll be a regular there soon. That's a new store right?"

I texted back. "Yes,it is new. I'll be expecting two lovey-dovey here everyday."

I sat down for a few minutes because no new customers are coming until I hear the tiny bell rang again. I stood up,smiled to the customer and greeted, "Welcome to the--" I saw there,Joaquin the great. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to eat ice cream?" He leaned over to me and rested his arms on the counter. I rolled my eyes. He looked up and searched for something to eat and said, "Two vanilla-caramel in a cone,please?" He stood up straight and stared at me while I was typing his order.

"You still love that,huh?" I told him,remembering how he loved that flavor and how I bought it for him everytime. I always eat it with him because no one in our friends love that flavor and we don't know why. "You came with you girlfriend?" I put my right hand up to him to get his money. He payed but raised an eyebrow. "Of course you're with your girlfriend because you ordered two." I started preparing his order and gave it to him.

He only took one and didn't mind the other that I was holding. Joaquin started licking his ice cream and turned his back to me. He said, "That's yours". So I started eating it.

"Where's your girl?" I kept on asking him.  "Why you didn't come with her?"

"Because she's standing infront of me." He looked at me and smirked. "She made this,too." Holding his ice cream cone up.

"Stop flirting with me." We got to talk to each other since it's lunch time and only a few customer came after him. "Your girlfriend will get jealous."

He act angrily and threw his head to my direction. "You are! You are my girlfriend! So shut up,okay?"

"I'm not,Joaquin." I crossed my arms and gave my weight to my right foot. "You're the one who broke up,duh?"

While we were talking,Bernard visited me so I came out of the counter and greeted him with a hug. "Thanks for dropping by." I said,grabbing the lunch he purposely gave to me. "Are you busy?"

"Nope." He answered. "But I have to go because I haven't taken a bath." He pulled his shirt up to his nose and made a gross face after smelling himself. I laughed. "Bye,Kris!" He waved at me as he went out of the store. I waved back and turned my back to him.

There he was,standing suspiciously with a stain of vanilla-caramel on his black shirt. I took a tissue and wiped it off. "You're my customer so--"

He cut me off and said, "Who is he?" Pointing to Bernard that was getting a taxi. "Your boyfriend?"

"What if I said yes?" I teased him. I pushed him to the door and said, "I gotta go. I'm busy. Bye!"

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