《Chapter 3》

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On my study area,which is a desk full of school stuffs,I sat on its chair while scrolling on my news feed. I saw nothing but just some random stuffs including those relationship goals, secret confessions of someone, and just some lovey-dovey stuffs. I mean,facebook is an SNS not a compilation of your love thingy.

I was facing the window,looking outside,staring at nothing while resting my face on my hands that was on the desk. Something suddenly popped out of nowhere and I jumped off. Someone, rather. He smiled and held up both of his hands under his face,making a wide V. Like someone presenting his face.

"What are you up to?" Bernard asked me,standing infront of me while there's a barrier between us. The window and the curtain. I don't know why I have a curtain that can't cover anything from the inside or vice versa. You know,you can see through it. "Are you busy?"

"Nawp." I answered,opening the curtain to clearly see his face. "I was browsing awhile ago but realized that there's nothing so ended up logging it out. What are you doing here,by the way?"

"Uh.." He looked around,looking for some excuses. "Just walking around."

"Have you bought a house somewhere near here?" I asked,standing up.

"We bought an apartment near Danford. It's quite big. Big enough that five of us can fit in there."

"Five? I thought you only have 1 sister?"

"Uhm,maybe because my mom wanted to have someone that will look up to her 10 year-old daughter?"

"Ohhh." I reacted. "I'll go out,wait for me there,okay?" He nodded.

My mom and dad is on a date at this sunny Saturday. If I'm having a date,I'll make it dinnertime. Who dates in the afternoon,by the way?

"Hey." He said,waving his right hand to me while the other's inside his pocket. I waved back and walked closer to him.

"So.." I said, "you're just walking around,huh?" I teased,giving a smirk at him while looking like some gangster.

"Uh-huh." He answered casually and tried to step backward but then tripped over a rock behind him.

"So stupid." I laughed at him so loud that some ghost from the other house could hear. I whispered, "Oh,sorry." I helped him up and continued teasing him. "Don't try to look cool,okay? Maybe someday you'll just end up tripping over and over again."

"Stop,Kris." He said,pushing me. "By the way,I'll stop lying. I'm here to see you and not just walking around because who will walk around here if there's a park near their apartment?"

"I know right." We walked around and I kept kicking a rock. I looked up at him,crossing my arms over my chest and stopped walking. He was looking at the ground so he didn't know what I was doing but then he eventually stopped walking too when I blocked his way. "Speak honestly,Bernard."

"What?" He looked at me,confused.

"Do you like me?" I straightforwardly asked. "Answer me."

"You're so childish,Kris." He pinched my cheeks and continued walking,leaving me behind. "Bye! Have to go home!" He said,waving with his right hand while his back is facing at me.

"Did I just get busted by you?" I jokingly yelled at him and smiled. I went inside again and prepared some sandwiches because I didn't want paying for a sandwich at Mom's Merienda. It will be my finals by the end of the coming week so I need to stop chilling.

No one wants a falling grade,do we? So I brought my snack inside my bedroom and studied. I studied until I fell asleep on my desk until morning.

"Honey,how long did you studied yesternight?" I heard Mom shouted from the kitchen as I came out of my room. She's probably cooking for breakfast. Looking at the couch,I saw Dad reading newspaper and he waved at me. I walked to the kitchen and leaned on the counter.

"I started at 5:36 and the last that I looked at the clock was 8:00. You do the Math." I sleepily reached for the water container inside the refrigerator then Mom held up a glass. I took it and pour the water in it.

"Come on,let's eat." She said,setting the food on the table. She's been cooking since Dad came back from California. I already asked them if do we still need a cook if there's a great chef like my mom. Otherwise, we don't need someone to pay for. We sat down together. "I know you're hungry since you didn't get a chance to eat dinner last night. So eat this." She said,handing a plate of bacon and egg sandwich to me.

"When we got here and checked you in your bedroom,you're already passed out with your light,lamp,and book open." Dad described how I looked last night plus,he said that my face was slammed on my open book while my right hand is holding a pen and the other's a notebook. It clearly shows how hard-working I am.

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