Chapter One

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"Are you sure you're okay to walk home River?" My boss, Mr Mackenzie, asked for the millionth time. "I can always give you a lift."

I smiled reassuringly as I hung up my apron and picked up my bag. "I'm sure Mr M. I'll be fine-the street lights are on so it's not like I'm walking blindly through the streets."

Mr M was a sweet semi-old guy who owned the late-night coffee bar I worked in. I say 'semi-old' because although he's only in his early forties he's really mature for his age and comes across as if he's way older than that.

He shoots me the same doubtful look he always does when I walk home this late. "Well...If your certain..."

I nod, rolling my eyes as I wave and step out into the chilly street.

It's quarter part eleven-the coffee bar closes at eleven, but I always stay behind late to help clear up before walking the three blocks to get to my house.

I sigh when I think of how my aunt will complain about me walking home alone this late when I get back, and watch as my breath solidifies into a silvery fog before disappearing again.

I smile to myself, enjoying the peace and quiet, and head home for the night.

I could always catch a lift from Mr M--he doesn't live that far from me, so it's not like it would be out of his way or anything--but I love walking home in the dark. The night air seems to call to me, shrouding me in its moonlit beauty, and the walk give me some alone time that's usually pretty hard to come by.

At home it's just me and my aunt Trisha. My parents both died when I was a kid, and she's the only other relative I have, so she looked after me ever since.

I don't really remember my parents all that much, just a few vague hazy memories from when I about six, but Aunt Trish is always telling me stories about them.

I don't really mind all that much any more, (it was a lot tougher when I was growing up as the only girl in my class who didn't have parents). I love my aunt and I know that she loves me, so I hardly notice the lack of parents any more.

She's so protective though; she's constantly checking up on where I am, what I'm doing, how I feel. I guess most teenagers would properly feel smothered by all her worrying, but I know she means well. And if I'm perfectly honest I like all the attention I get from her.

I was about half way home when I was grabbed from behind and a large sweaty hand clamped over my mouth.

I tried to scream but the sound was muted by the stranger's palm.

I kicked out wildly, hoping to break free or at least cause some damage to whoever the hell this was. But my legs caught by a second pair of hands, and together the two men carried me between them into the alley way that was to the side of the street corner.

My nails scrapped frantically at the hand over my mouth, but the grip against my jaw was firm and unyielding.

My breath became more uneven the more I struggled, tears flooded my eyes and blinded me, all I could hear was the occasional grunt from the men over the deafening thundering of my heart.

"Now, now Princess." The one was holding my torso up murmured in my ear. "We only want a little fun, don't we Matt?"

The other one-Matt-chuckled cruelly. "Yeah, that's right. We won't hurt you...much." They both laughed at the twisted joke and my heart sank as hot salty tears run down my face.

The end of the alley way was a dead end surrounded by old warehouses and I came to the sickening realisation that even if I could scream, out here no one would be able to hear me.

Vitch [On Hold - See 'The Holding Cell' For More Info]Where stories live. Discover now