~ Chapter 8: Surprises ~

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"That's why she has dark, tanned skin. Her parents sent her here when she was eight because they didn't want her. Cabigail, one of the blond-haired centaurs, has lived next door to me since we were both in diapers, so that's how I know her. Killara, the other blond-haired centaur, arrived around a year ago. She used to live in Archenland, but she moved here with her parents and nine younger siblings looking for work. She instantly fitted in with us and she's been in our friend group ever since."

"Where's Archenland?"

"The country south of Narnia, now back to my friends and no more interrupting or I will slap you," I threaten teasingly. He just rolls his eyes. "Kabella I met one day when I went for a swim in the ocean. She's half-mermaid." I put a finger up to Peter's lips when I think he's going to say something. He chuckles before giving it a kiss. I shoot him a glare.

"As I was saying, that was when I was ten. She started working here when she was twelve for extra money. I met Tamilla here when I was eight. She's a pretty psycho faun! Henrietté, the satyr, came about three years ago from the Lone Islands and, before you ask where they are, they're off the coast line. She was very poor and so needed the money. And last, but not least, Malina. Her family is really close to mine. So of course her parents were upset when my parents died, but, like Emolise, I've known her all my life. She's like a sister to me," I end, smiling.

"What were your parents like?" he questions. I look up at his face thoughtfully then down to my hands.

"Um...they were both very hard-working people. My father was a commander for the Narnian army. Occasionally he would go over to Calormen to fight, other times it was up along the border of Narnia. The White Witch used to set up minotaurs and ghouls along the mountain ridge so that no one in Narnia would be able to leave and no outsiders would be able to enter. My father used to be the one who would get rid of those guards so that the troops could get into Archenland or vice versa. My mother, like I mentioned earlier, worked in the castle. She was a great servant, very obedient to Aslan. She was in an even higher rank than what Starstone is now; in charge of all the servants, guards, chefs, waitresses, everyone really. Most of the decorations you see were put in by her. She was very creative. She was the one who designed this room in fact. She intended it to be for servants and guards who needed a break. It didn't go to waste like some creatures thought it would. Everyone uses it. It's one of the most well-used rooms in the entire castle," I tell him proudly with a grim smile.

"Do you miss them?" he asks while lacing his hand with mine.

"Yes, I do, a lot. It's sort of hard to think that they're never going to see you succeed. They'll never see you get married and have kids. It's hard trying to raise up your little sister all by yourself as well. Mother was looking so forward to seeing Bella and I grow up and have families of our own and now she'll never get to see that." My eyes blur over, the cloudy tears taking over my vision. A few stray tears manage to escape their confines and I can't help but let out a small sob. "I miss them so badly," I tell him, trying to hold back the threatening, water works. He rubs circles on my back for a few seconds before the flood gates open up. I weep while clinging onto Peter's shirt and bawling my eyes out. Peter holds me tightly with both arms wrapped securely around me. He starts to whisper sweet, comforting words into my ear. I have to admit it does make me feel better. Something breaks through my concentration though; the sound of two pairs of hooves. Then two things happen at once. Peter kisses the top of my head just as Starstone and Oreius come through the silver doorway. I freeze, dead still. I feel Peter tense up just before Starstone's voice comes in.

"Ashley Masen! How dare you!" she shouts at me while walking forward. I sink further into Peter trying to completely hide from her view. I can't handle the way her eyes are staring me down. I know she's going to fire me. I'm waiting for her to say the words, but they never come. Instead, I feel Peter let go of me and stand up.

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