"Who's her improv partner?" Hux asked the girl, and Ben said, "I'm her partner."

Hux turned his head to Ben, lightly smiling. "Oh. Awesome," He said, swiftly writing something on the attendance sheet. "I'll be your partner until she gets back, Ben."

Ben didn't know what to think about spending time with Hux with Hux's full attention on him. Ben knew it was strictly for schoolwork and knew Hux thought of him as nothing more but a student, but things had gone well for the past 4 days he had drama class, and it gave Ben some confidence to flirt with Hux. Besides, Hux looked so good today(to Ben, he looked good everyday, but there was something about today): blue button-down, khakis, same slip-ons he wore on the first day.

Hux made his way over to Ben and suggested that they work in the theatre because it was too loud in the classroom. Ben gulped, and agreed to go outside.

"So what scene do you recommend? I think we should do something Snoke hasn't seen before... like some cool Game of Thrones shit or something of the likes." Hux said, holding the door open for Ben as they walked into the theatre.

Dammit, that accent, Ben thought. Years of acting experience and Ben still couldn't act serious when someone he found attractive was around. He couldn't focus with Hux talking to him.

"Ah, I don't watch Game of Thrones, unfortunately." Ben ran his fingers through his hair (he did that way too much).

"Oh, that's sad. You gotta watch it, it's good." Hux bounced on the balls of his feet. "I still think we should do something original, unless you wanna do something like..." Hux's voice got higher when questioning Ben.

"Nah, we could do something original. What do you wanna do?"

"Um... I'm so sorry, I am like, obsessed with tv, have you watched Downton Abbey?"

Ben raised his eyebrows. "Oh my god, yes! I watch it all the time with my cousin!"

"Ben, that's bloody awesome! We should role play as characters from it and do an improv scene about that! 'Kay, so you know what guy who always-"

Hux was still talking, but Ben had zoned out, watching Hux's body language and his lips and listening to the way he talked. Yet, he still managed to pay attention to every word he was saying. Multitasking, that was one thing Ben had gotten much better at since Hux came into his life.
"That was a great scene, guys." Snoke half-smiled at Ben and Hux, who were standing in front of his desk waiting for Snoke's feedback.

"I don't think I've seen a Downton Abbey themed improve scene," Snoke said, chuckling. Hux turned his head a little towards Ben and winked, sending a shiver down Ben's spine. "It was clever and fantastic, one thing though, Ben, you could work a but more on your emotional energy. It was a bit lacking, but everything else was spot-on. I can't wait to see what more you'll bring to my class." Ben grinned, whispering, "Thank you, professor." Snoke turned to Hux. "Thanks for substituting as his partner, Brendol."

"You're welcome, sir." Hux said, turning away. Ben followed, and they both went to Ben's seat.

Hux looked down at his shoes, then turned to Ben. "Hey, Ben?" He said.

Ben smiled. "Yeah?"

Hux got a bit closer to Ben. Ben could smell the light scent of his cologne, crisp and a bit citrus-y. Ben liked it.

Hux whispered in Ben's ear, "So the juniors are having a back-to-school party tomorrow over at the drama sorority house. I live there, and the guys there said that freshman, sophomores and seniors are only allowed to come to the party if a junior invites them. What I'm saying is, Ben, do you wanna go to the party?"

Ben's blood seemed to freeze, and his stomach felt like it dropped to his heels. He turned towards Hux. Stay calm, He told himself. He's just asking you if you want to go to a party. It's not like it's a date or anything.

Or anything, he thought. Ben wanted to roll his eyes at himself, it's like he was Rey now.

"Ben?" Hux asked. He tilted his head at Ben.

"Oh yeah," Ben quipped, snapping back to reality. "Yeah. Yeah... I'll go check to see if I have anything I need to do tomorrow. If not, I'll definitely come." Ben smiled with his teeth at Hux.

"Great, so it's a date, then?" Hux asked quickly. He boyishly smiled at Ben, then started walking towards another group in a corner at the front of the class. Ben watched, shocked.

Training Wheels ♥︎ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now