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  Once both boys had left all three flat mates let out a long sigh
"Hope you gotta be more careful. AND STOP LOCKING ME IN SMALL ROOMS!" Soul shouted at Hope who was simply drinking coffee. She hummed a response not blinking as she just stared in front of her.
"Hey! Are you listening to me. Hello? Helloooo!" Soul waved his hand in front of Hope's face until she finally shook her head and came back to reality
"Sorry i was just thinking." Hope replied turning to face Soul. Hope was worried about Soul and Maka and everyone else. She was worried for their safety. 'Being around me could get them hurt, or worse. As long as no one else finds out i'm a ghoul they should be safe. I just have to keep my head low' Hope thought to herself taking a final sip of coffee.

There she was again. Stuck in a black room surrounded by purple liquid and he was there yet again. Hope could walk across the liquid this time so she made her way towards him hoping to finally get rid of him but before she could reach him he disintegrated into a thousand pieces. She looked around the room but she was all alone.
"No please! I don't want to be alone again! Please! Someone!" Hope screamed and screamed but there was no response until she saw a different silhouette. She could tell who it was, it was Kaneki. Although she was still pissed at him she ran to him and grabbed him into a hug. She was glad she wasn't alone anymore. She woke up to see a tray on the bedside cabinet with breakfast and a note placed on it.
Me and Maka went on a mission we'll be back soon. Don't get into any trouble and clean up any mess you make with your breakfast.

Hope got out of bed, ate her breakfast and went to take a shower. When she got out she went into the kitchen to make some coffee but they had run out. Hope sighed as she put on her black hoodie, black leggings and her dark blue top under her hoodie. She also decided to put on her mask in case there was another situation like the other day. As she was walking towards the market she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Kid she was about to say hi when all of a sudden there was a jabbing pain in her other shoulder. When she looked to see what it was she remembered that she was wearing her mask and she couldn't tell the boys it was her so she had to play along for 25 minutes.
"Ha you won't get away this time you asymmetrical monster. Why do you only have an eye-patch on one eye! You dirty creature!" This made Hope quite angry but she decided to let it slide seen as though it was Kid and she just figured he was crazy.

After 10 minutes Hope was in the Death Room standing in front of Lord Death and Spirit. Kid had explained how the girl in the mask was ghoul and a danger to death city blah blah blah. Lord Death stood there for a little while with his giant hand stroking an imaginary beard.
"Kid. You will be keeping her at your house for now to see how ghouls act on a daily basic, and don't worry I will Stein to send you more of that serum." The other 3 beings in the room stood there with their mouths wide open
"What you can't be serious! Father you expect me to keep a monster like this in my house!"
"Yes I do and as your duty as a grim reaper you must keep the town safe so you will keep her in your house for the time being!" Kid muttered something under his breath before nodding to his father
"Ok well you should be showing this young ghoul to her home! Bye bye now kiddo!" Kid turned around while dragging Hope out the room with him.  

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