lillian's cabin

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The school day winded down to the last five minutes and the hype was on. Turns out we'd all be riding home with Lillian, the only one who can drive, in her 2016 Lincoln MKT (Fancy, right?)

There were only six seats and little over eight people, but we were able to make it work eventually. In fact, we'd snuck Jake and Mollie in the trunk area. Everything turned out okay, until I saw where we'd be partying.

Lillian drove us out into the woods, and I'd recognized the area all too well.

We were going to be partying in her dad's cabin, which was very nice, but the location freaked me out. I had even felt my skin drain of all color once we'd entered the woods.

Though I didn't say anything, I knew this would be anything but perfect.

mollie's pov

When Lillian invited me to come party with her friends, no did not cross my mind. This was a huge opportunity in my case.

I was a book nerd, but I had a smoking hot boyfriend, whom Ryanne seemed to hate. I'm sure she did, anyway, she wasn't the type to fall in love how I do. In fact, we were polar opposites.

But I didn't come to this party for her, I came for the fun and adventure. I needed the new friendships.

As soon as we rounded the corner of the grassy-gravel road, I looked at Jake intently, raising an eyebrow. He was sitting, looking out the window, very glum-looking. "Jake?" I said, catching his attention, "This is a party, be happy." I put a hand on his shoulder and shook him. He was not amused.

Ryanne turned around at that moment, smiling. "He can't because he's a huge NERD!" She said, leaning over the seat into the back to yell in his face. She laughed, sliding back down. He knew she was teasing, but he still was not amused.

Jake slowly turned back to the window, despite the car slowly but surely coming to a stop, and I wanted to throw him out his stupid window. This was a party! Not some sob story soap opera.

Either, or, this was going to be just perfect.

lillian's pov

My dad's log cabin was very spacious, though it appeared quaint. When you were walked in, you were greeted with a sweet lavender pine scent that was very sweet. The room you would enter in after crossing a porch would be the living room. It was huge, the ceiling seemed to go on for miles, and was decorated with a white couch designed with a green flower print. A coffee table sat in front of the couch and the wall facing it was lined with a TV and various picture frames. The living room held a set of stairs along the right wall, too; it stretched up a good distance and ended when it met a platform, lined with a creamy beige carpet. The upstairs held three bedrooms (for when me, my brother, and my parents stayed) and a bathroom. There was also a bathroom downstairs, where the kitchen began and the living room end The kitchen was the neighboring room to the living room, and seemed miniature compared to the other rooms.

I was just getting the party set up, it didn't take longer than expected, even with the first hand preparations. The food, drinks, and materials of that matter had been brought days in advanced (because I'm an awesome party planner) and we had just needed to bring out the old, white, marble-like tables and set them up. We also needed to get the speakers and AUX cord from the car for music and our own belongings considering this party was going on all weekend.

Everyone had their part to help; Rianne and Ryanne set up the tables, Kaden and Jake set up the speakers and AUX cord, Morene and Kaite were on food and drink duty, and Mollie monitored and helped them out.

I was checking things off my mental checklist and my real checklist when I forgot I hadn't checked in to see how Luke (Mollie's boyfriend) and Aidan (my boyfriend) were going along.

I texted Aidan, getting an answer almost immediately.

Lil : How are you getting along, babe?

Aidan <33 : Perfect. Luke's pulling us in now.

Satisfied with my answer, I called Mollie over and her eyes lit up at the mention of her boyfriend, Luke Thomas. A smile had played on my lips as well, Aidan and me don't get to hang out a lot because he goes to a different school, so I had been very excited.

How could this weekend not be perfect?

I cringed at the utter sight of Mollie's boyfriend, Luke Thomas. He was very tall, light stubble, messy brown hair. He looked like a country singer, and I hate country singers.

A lot of people wondered why I hated him, but it was for one, simple reason. He's a dirty liar. And that's all anyone ever needed to know.

Seeing as though I had no point in arguing or fighting with him, I took a step back in the cabin off the porch.

Morene was standing awkwardly in the cabin's small kitchen, holding a bottle of hot sauce. "What're you doing?" I said slowly, eyeing the bottle in her hand. "Definitely not pranking someone," Morene said, straightening her posture, now with her hands on her sides. "Where's Mollie?"

I sighed and walked away, ignoring Morene. She was funny, my best friend- one of the oldest- but I just didn't have patience right now. "Ryanne?" As I walked out of the kitchen, she leaned in the doorway, questioning my behavior. I questioned it, too.

And that's when it hit me. I stopped in my tracks inside the large living room.

I'd have to stay here, for a weekend, with Luke Thomas. I was right; things were gonna be everything and a disaster.

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