CHAPTER 21: Secret Dates and Bouquet of Flowers

Start from the beginning

"Then what's up with that guy?" Horio said.

"Do you think we should tell Ryouko-san?" Mizuno asked.

"Let's not. There's no need to worry Ryouko-san. If it's someone suspicious, we can take him on ourselves." Ritsu said.

"What are you guys whispering about? Are you finished stretching?" Came the voice of Ryouko from behind them.

"Ryouko-san." Ritsu said, half-surprised. When he turned his attention back to the trees, there was no longer anyone there.

"You guys should take this seriously." Ryouko told them.

"We will. Sumimasen, Ryouko-san. (Sorry, Ryouko.)" They chorused. The four looked meaningfully at each other, still wondering who the hooded figure was.


The lunch bell echoed in the Seishun Academy.

"Okay class. That's all. I'll see you tomorrow. You can have your lunch." The teacher told Section 1-A.

Ryoma yawned. Because the weather is pretty warm, he had been feeling sluggish since the morning.

Ryouko took a side glance at him and smiled.

Then she also found herself yawning. The fatigue from the morning practice and the warmth of the classroom made her want to take a nap.

She looked at Ryoma then scribbled something on a piece of paper.

She slipped the note on his desk. He read it. 'Sleepy? Me too. Let's get some sleep at the rooftop. I'll be up there right after the one-on-one instruction.'

Ryoma looked at her, smiled and nodded.

Ryouko made a slight smile before going out of the room. Ryoma stood up to make preparations for lunch.

About two chairs away from the left of Ryoma and Ryouko's seats, Miyako and Mami blinked and looked at each other.

"Is it just me, or did Ryouko-chan slip something on Echizen-kun's desk?" Mami asked.

"I also saw it. It was a note." Miyako replied.

"And then they smiled at each other." Mami continued.

"Very suspicious." Miyako commented.

Both girls looked at each other again and smiled knowingly. There's something interesting going on that might need some investigation.


"Fujioka Ryouko-san! Is there a Fujioka Ryouko-san here?" A delivery man said as he walked outside the Seigaku tennis courts.

"Ryouko-chan. Someone's asking for you." Ikeda told Ryouko.

She went out of the court. "Just a moment, Ikeda-senpai." She told him.

"Take your time." Ikeda replied.

"Fujioka Ryouko wa ore desu. (I'm Fujioka Ryouko.)" She told the delivery man.

"Ore?" The delivery man said in confusion.

"Hai." Ryouko said.

"Uhh. Delivery. Please sign here." The man said, still thinking of the fact that she used 'ore', He handed the clipboard to her outstretched hand and then went back to his motorcycle.

Ryouko signed the paper on the clipboard handed to her. The man returned with a large bouquet of pink roses.

Ryouko blinked at the sight of the humongous bunch of flowers.

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