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"Your girlfriend must be so lucky."
I said, as my voice cracked a little.

"I try my best." He smiled.

"We're here. I need to go. Thank you so much for driving me here."

"Anytime." He smirked.

I instantly got out of the car, running towards the small noodle shop.

"HellosirIwouldlikesweetchickennoodlesplease." I held back my tears to keep a little bit of my dignity.

Why do these sort of things always happen when it's that time of the month?

I payed for my noodles and sat down, stirring them with the chopsticks.

I lifted my head up to see a boy and a girl sitting two tables ahead of me.

They were sharing noodles, and looking at eachother in a way that I can't really describe.

Lucky them.

When I finished eating, I decided to go walk a little bit.

The rain had stopped, and all of the shops were already closed.

It's already 11 pm. Damn.

It's amazing how time flies when you're with someone you haven't seen in forever.

I walked, staring at my shoes. Some sort of habit I've always had.

I stopped walking when I spotted Taehyung and... well, the owner of the rose bouquet.

Taehyung hugged her like they haven't seen eachother in ages.

That should've been me.

He handed her the bouquet with a rectangular smile.

I bet it's what he uses to get girls, that cocky smile.

His girlfriend was rather short, much shorter than him.
She had bleached blonde short hair and was wearing a mini skirt, which was not suitable for that kind of weather.

"Babyyy thank you~" she said, doing aegyo.

Gosh I already dislike her.

They both walked away, hand in hand.


I took the bus home, and thought about something.
Once I arrived, I took my keys and discreetly opened the door.

My mom has severe insomnia, so she was awake watching some drama.


I quickly put the flowers on the kitchen counter, in hopes of her not noticing me.

"You're home quite late, but I forgive you. These flowers are beyond beautiful." She smiled.
I turned to see her admiring the small flowers.

"Mom, is grandma's apartment still available?" I rushed, hoping to make her forget about me coming home late. I've been meaning to ask her this for a long time anyway, so now was the occasion.

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