"It was just a summer break Aleyna, don't over react but I missed you too"

"Let's have a talk at the cafeteria, I have so many things to tell you!" She squealled, well I am very happy for her because she almost have the perfect life..

"I know, gather the other girls as well. I missed them too"

"Some of them are getting late you know that, so we'll have to wait for the rest of the girls to be completed"

"They still didn't change" I shook my head earning a laugh from Aleyna, the girls really don't like going to school but since this is our last year I believe we should really do our best to succeed for our future.

"As well as you, still beautiful and sexy as ever"

I shut my locker close and I was about to go inside the classroom when I suddenly tripped, all the books that I was carrying awhile ago were now all scattered on the floor, good thing I was able to protect my face from the fall or else I would've been rushed to the hospital now.

"Oh my, Tine are you okay?" Aleyna asked, ledding a hand helping me stand up while the others kept on laughing at me.

I turned around and saw Xander with a smirk playing on his lips, he was leaning on the doorframe of our first subject room and his leg was slightly stretched. So he was the one who tripped me... This guy is really a pain in the ass... he's planning to annoy me now?

"Tine, here's your books" Sienna said diverting her eyes to Xander, but when Sienna looks at Xander he quickly wipes the smirk off and sat on his desk as if nothing happened at all. Other people started heading inside and dispersing from our sight... good, I don't want them to grow old as gossipers without work.

"Tine.." Sienna called me, I smiled at her and sat on my desk which is infront of Xander.

During the discussions he kept on throwing crampled papers at my head, so I grabbed the crampled paper one by one to hopefully clesn them up. I think the teacher saw me and thought that I wasn't listening to her so she made me kneel outside the room and raise my hand during the whole period. After a while, the bell rung and everyone started to walk out the room and Xander was smirking again... this asshole...

"Ms. Kwon, next time please listen to my class instead of writing nonsense stuffs. Am I clear?" I nod my head, not able to speak furthermore because I might only go to detention if I dare speak.

"You may have your lunch now"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Ahn" I bowed but I can't feel my arms and legs, they all felt so numb from what she made me do.

The girls were waiting for me at the door, they looked so worried while other loooed like they can commit murder in any possible time. Sienna was just calm but also looked so worried of me.

"I'm going to kill Xander if he keeps doing this to you" Aleyna muttered, I just kept a small smile as we walked towards the cafeteria.

"I'm just thankful that Blaze isn't like Xander, you're very lucky to have him"

Blaze is Aleyna's boyfriend which also happens to be one of the friends of Xander, their group is quite famous since they are 12 and there were 4 Chinese people. They all are great friends even if they don't know ech other that well. Good thing they all have different personalities or else we would have 12 bullies in this school.

"Maybe Xander has his reasons, we can't just judge him by his outer appearance" Sienna tried to cool the others down, taking Xander's side.

"We understand, Xander is your friend and it's normal for you to take his side at times" Jessica muttered.

"Believe me, you need to get to know him for you to understand why he's doing this. Xander is a great man, there are just times that he can't fully express himself"

"Let's go there, we'll be able to fit there" Aleyna pointed in one table, it would be big for all 11 of us to sit there. We walked towards that table and started claming our seats one by one.

"I'll get some fruits for us, for sure others wanted to diet" Yoona stood up as some of the girls went to the food stalls to buy some things.

"Count me in, I want to come" I was about to stand up when Aleyna stopped be from doing so, she threw a glare at me which means I really need ti listen to her.

"Just stay here Celestine, your legs might feel numb from kneeling for an hour. Just have a rest"

"Listen to your mother" Sienna muttered making the rest of the girls who tayed to laugh, Aleyna puffed her cheeks before walking to where the other girls are.

"I forgot I actually have 3 moms, I'm so lucky" We all smiled but Sooyoung, the one sitting before me suddenly changed her expression.

"Tine Xander is coming here-"

All of a sudden I suddenly felt my whole body suddenly wet, everyone was looking at me in shock while others were laughing. The girls looks so angry to the point that they want to kill whiever did this although I already know who. I turned around and saw Xander again, holding the bottle of now empty water as his gaze was focused on me

"Oops, the water slipped through my hands"

This time, I quickly ran to the bathroom and tried to dry myself because I don't have any other uniform, I only have two sets and I need to wear this uniform for 4 days straight. I can't go to the room wet, I also can't go home like this because mom and Mrs. Lee would ask me so many questions.

"Here" Sienna suddenly stretched her hand and gave a pair of uniform and towel to me.

"Sienna? How did you-?"

"I saw what happened, here wear this." She smiled at me but I refused to, I shook my head.

"But Sienna-" She suddenly pushed me inside a cubicle and gave me the uniform, locking me inside. So I decided to just change and clean these clothes after using them

"Sorry on behalf of Xander" Sienna suddenly talked once I got out of the cubicle, I was now drying my wet clothes

"You don't need to say sorry, it's not your fault" I held her hand and smiled.

"Just have patience with Xander, I know he's just up to something"

"He hates me so much when I didn't even do anything to make him that upset, I don't know what was happening to him but I can say that I hate him as well"

"Xander is still my friend you know. I've been friends with him since we were young, at times when he's acting like this he's just jealous or he thinks something is unfair"

"Why would he get jealous of me? Because I have two mothers now? That his mom is also like a family to me?" That he's jealous that his mother is helping me? That's too low... but why?

"Not because of that, maybe he's just trying to get your attention"

"Why would he? I don't like him at all plus everyone's attention is already focused on him. Why would he need more?"

"I think he likes you"

What the... Sienna was seriously looking at me as he uttered those words, I was very confused but she is really annoying....

"You've got to be kidding me, get whatever drugs you have the hell out of your system Sienna because I don't likw what you are saying"

"It's just my inference since he's my friend"

Black Pearl (Crowns Of Bearers # 2) !EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now