My memories were flooded. It somehow had a nostalgic feeling. My head began to hurt and I collapsed.

The next thing I knew was I was sitting on a bench from the next station. I had nausea.

I had a dream though, half asleep.
In that dream I had played with somebody... I became a kid in that dream. He had similar features to a certain person. We did a lot of certain things... and the last thing I knew was when I said "don't go..."

"I should be saying that." I saw myself on Rin's lap. It was embarrassing so I wanted to stand, but he slapped my forehead back into spot.

"Owww... What the hell..."

He flicked my forehead. "That's for making me run."

Then pinched my nose. "That's for running away..."

I thought he was going to do a terrible action again, making me jolt. But he just stuck his nose with mine.

"And that's... For making me miss you without realizing it."

He looked hurt. Of course, he trusted me.

A tear suddenly escaped my eyes. "I want to run away... I'm so tired." I bet he'll stop me anyway.

"You want to run away?!"

Yeah, tell me you hate me!


Tell me I'm a coward!

"Let me run away with you."

Tell me I'm a--"what?!"

He said, smiling widely.

I felt a chill across my spine and add to that my face burning hot.

"What?! What the hell are you talking about?! I'm running away alone." I said, pouting my lips.

"Hmmm... Well, you don't want a handsome guy like me as a husband?"

WHA... How shameless. But he really was good looking to be honest.

Ugh... I didn't want to say this,

"Then, will you come with me?" I suggested.

He grinned then removed my headband. My bangs fell freely from my shiny head. "We'll escape this place together."

"They're looking... Stop." I covered them.

"No, they're looking because you're so pretty, it's irresistible to look at." He removed my hands. "This is how beautiful and cute you are Ritsu, inside and out."

I then felt lips on mine. It was soft and gentle. Very unlikely for a violent Rin...

"Will you date me, with a chance of marriage?" He asked, with a little bit of a nervous tone and a sweaty serious face.

"I do. I do want to date you." I said as the crowd cheers for us.

We missed one more time.

Then I remembered the necklace. I felt weird before because I thought I've seen it.

"The necklace you showed me earlier Rin, what was it?"

He smiled like he was glad. "Well... I think you don't remember anymore, but don't you remember? I was a part of your past..."

I looked away. I can't tell him this but I probably should.

"Rin, it was a couple of years ago when I had an accident. It was only Mio who knew this, but it was back then when i was second grade."

He looked dismayed. "How? And why..."

"Well, it was a car accident. I lost alot of my memories from childhood. Mom said I had always been playing with another kid back then, and I usually told her stories about how we met or how I was really happy... But all those are now gone."

If possible..."Rin, were you there?"

He paused for awhile.

"Pffft." Then chuckled.


"Hey what are you laughing abou--"

"I will make you remember all of it. Everything." He intertwined our fingers together.

"All of it Ritsu."

Every word he says had a romantic feeling into it.

"A-are you really Rin?! It's so weird, every word you say is always sugar coated now. Gross..."

I admit I'm just shy. It's obvious cause I'm pink.

"Really? Then I will go with you then... You don't like the sweeter version of Rin 2.0???"

Pffft... "Hmmm? I'd love to know the gay version of Rin 2.0?"

"WHA-- It's not gay stupid! It's dandy~"

He's just totally being shameless now... But at least he's being honest.

"Hey Ritsu..." He said as he tightens his grip. "Can you express your feelings properly?"

"I don't know? Sometimes I guess not, but it isn't always necessary to express them. Why do you ask?"

"Well, in my case, I don't really do it that much..."


"I'm just afraid that people will think what I am thinking is 'dumb'. I'm just a coward after all..."

I removed my hands.

"If you're going to still be afraid, don't go with me. You should learn to protect the one you love." I dashed my way to the next train. Really. I'm just sulking.

"you're no different to me! running away is cowardly AS HELL!"

"You're quite insulting dumbhead!"

"No different from you Shinypoo!"





People started to whisper to each othe. Of course, who wouldn't want to know if we're having a lover's quarell or a couple just married.

We nod at each other, and securing my grip on my bag, we ran away like heaven knows how.

We just sprinted our way through, laughing like no problems are coming in between or will ever in the future.

We just cared for the moment, however is to come is up to you.

The future isn't written, but I know...

How obstacles may come,

They go.


I can't deny it anymore hmm? I favor Ritsu a lot... Lol. Don't worry after this I'll write several chapters for other characters, to widen their story. There will be fluffy group dates and just character-development and drama. Thanks tuning in! ~

~~~ till next time

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