Azusa's side

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Azusa's P.O.V.

They sure are late... I'm still the first one here. I'll consider Senior Yui since I know she'll always be late.

I waited for another ten minutes via agreed time.

I should text them.

I opened my aqua cellphone. Then started typing.

'You guys, where are you now? I've been waiting for ages.'

I planned on returning my phone to my pocket when I heard a bling. It's my phone notification.

S Ritsu: I forgot something!!! I'm sorry I guess I'll be late (insert sweat drop emoticon)

She's really forgetful nowadays. Oh well.

S Mugi: I don't know what to wear...

I didn't even think of what to wear, am I really that thoughtless?

Me: just wear anything you find pretty Senior Mugi!


S Mugi: that's the problem >_< everything is pretty

Ahhh. That's right she has so much to choose.

S Mugi: I'm sorry, I think I'll be late Azusa-chan


Another text?

S Mio: I ... I'm just doing something

Senior Mio?

Me: what's the problem senior Mio?

S Mio: Ritsu said I should wear a maid outfit, she said it's typical for a d-date...

The innocence just shine upon me

Me: wear casual clothes. Senior Ritsu is lying Senior Mio.

S Mio: (insert blushing emoticon) w-what?

I closed my phone.

I guess I'll have to wait for them then.

"Ah, you're early!!"

A blonde guy marched through. It's Nagase-kun, he wore a little hat and a yellow shirt with pants.

"Were you waiting late?" He smiled at me.

"Yeah... The seniors sure are doing a lot of touch ups. I can't understand them sometimes."

He stared at me for a while.


"You really are like a boy Azusa-chan" he said following a smirk.

"Huh?!" What is he talking about?!

"I'm not!"

He just chuckles back.

"Anyway, how about we stroll a bit while we wait for them?"

He walked, thinking he's leading the way.

"How a-about them? They'll wait for a long time for us!" I suddenly blurted out.

He looked confused now.

"Now you're just being a dad." He laughed and ran off. He stopped as some crowd faced him. "I'll be quick! I'll bring you food!"

How embarrassing... Now everybody's looking at us.

The thought made me blush. Hard.

As I was still blushing he spurted out again.

"I'm baaack!!!" Shouting with two cones of ice cream in his hand.

He's really loud!

"Keep your voice down! Shhh!"

"We're outside though. Here!" He stretched his arms and gave me the sweet treat.

"Thanks." I respond quietly.

Just then Nanase-kun finally showed up. He's along with Tachibana-kun and Rin-kun.

They're still not here! Those girls.

"I'm sorry I think they'll be late!"

Tachibana-kun smiled.
"It's okay! We all have our dates late ^^"

That's right.

I felt relieved, but I just remembered my date was Ryugazaki-san.

How could I forget?

"I-i'm here!"

I turned around and see an exhausted Ryuugazaki-kun.

He had a black butterfly print on his white shirt and wore light brown pants.

"What took you long?" Nanase-kun brought up.

"Uhm, my butterflies died."

Everybody stared on blank space.

"Pffft!!!" Rin-san laughed.

"I wore this T-shirt as part of my mourning." Tears suddenly formed from his eyes.

"Rei-chan!!" Nagase called out.

Meanwhile beside me was Tachibana-kun, looking so serious.

"I understand." He smiled at Ryuugazaki-kun.


"Really." He reassured.

Ryuugazaki-kun jumped at Tachibana-kun for a hug. He didn't return it though. But he was happy.

These people are really nice after all.

"Yeah. I know right?" Nagase-kun jumped in all of a sudden, making me startled.

"Wh- you can read my mind?!"

"Aha. No, it's written all over your face,"

I'm that obvious?!

"They're really good guys ne?"

I curved up my lips a little.



still continued from Azusa's P.O.V. next chapter!!!

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