Packing up

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"Ok, I got your bed frame, your dresser, mirror, couch, chairs, and tables, Mrs. Rose. Oh, and Skylar I got your bed, dresser, side tables, and mirror as well in the truck to," said Isaac.

I looked at Isaac and smiled. I rushed over to him and gave him the biggest hug I have ever given someone. I know I am going to miss him like crazy.

Tears formed in my eyes. As the tears drizzled down my face I sniffled.

Issac put his hands on my shoulders to see if I was crying.

"Don't cry skylar, you are going to make me cry. Look we will see each other again I promise," said Isaac.

I looked Isaac right in his green eyes. I smiled. I gave him another hug which I never wanted to let go.

He went to let go.
"No, just a little longer," I said. softly while squeezing tighter.

I finally let go and wiped the tears from my eyes and the damp tears from my cheeks.

"Hey Isaac why won't you come with us," my mom asked.

I smiled from ear to ear, but it quickly went away.

"Oh well, thank you so much Mrs.Rose for the invite, but my mom wouldn't let me," He said sounding depressed.

"No worries, I called your mom about three days ago and she agreed on it. In fact she said you can stay a whole months since that last day of school is tomorrow and we leave Tomorrow."

I looked at my mom, then at Isaac, then back at my mom.

Tears of joy started strolling down my cheeks. I ran towards mom and gave her the biggest hug.


I ran over to Isaac and gave him another hug. I grabbed his hand and dragged him out to the car.

"Can you believe this! Your staying with me for a month. A whole freaking month" I blurted.

" I'm so happy I get to spend more time with you. You truly are amazing," Isaac said while his cheeks turning pink.

I just smiled and turned on the car.
"Where are we going?" He asked.

"To your house, to get your cloths duh," I said while giggling.
Geo will be coming soon my luvs💋
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