Katara, Sokka and Aang all looked curiously at Madelyns still sleeping figure.

"Should we wake her?" Sokka asked.

"No." I grumbled, rubbing my eyes. "She'd probably punch you then go back to sleep where she'd just dream it again." I stood and walked over to her.

"What are you doing?" Katara asked defensively, moving closer to her friend.

"Relax. You should trust me by now. I wouldn't ever hurt her. This is just what usually works." i sat down next to Madelyn and put a hand on her shoulder. After a moment, her tremors stopped and her whole body relaxed. "It's okay." I spoke softly, reassuring her sleeping form. I looked to rest of the group and saw a small smile play across Aang's face as he layed back down to sleep. Katara laid down next, but this time facing me so she could make sure I wouldn't do anything. Sokka rolled over and slumped into his mat.

"I don't care what they say "Something is still going on in there." Sokka yawned, mumbling softly. I laid down rest of the way and made sure to keep some distance between our bodies. It wasn't like it was before, I couldn't hold her close and protect her like I had on my ship because my feelings for her were unrequited. She may not love me back anymore, but this way she would know that I was here for her and that I would always be here to protect her, from both nightmares and the outside world.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip brought to you by and evil flying kite~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Maddy's POV:

I woke peacefully, an unchallenged calm surrounding my being. Last night had been hell. Right at Vaatu, in his more human form, started describing all the ways he would make me kill my friends, the space around us turned white and he receded to the shadows. The flames surrounding me were quenched and I was instead alone. Only I didn't feel alone. There was a warmth surrounding me that calmed me entirely and made me feel- dare I say it- a bit happy. There were many things that should have been ruining this strange mood of mine, but at that moment none of them could touch me.

When I woke up however, the feeling was short lived. I replayed what Vaatu had said the night before and shivered in anxiety. One more night he had said. One more burst of anger and I would be finished. I shook my head at myself.

"Looks like all those years of bottling things up will come to some use." I laughed slightly at myself though I dreaded the next however long it took to figure this out.

I glanced around the campground to see that everyone had gotten up to get on with the day; I stood to join them.

"Morning everyone." I smiled when I got down to the training area. They all looked up and smiled back at me, but something was off putting. "What's up?" I asked, ignoring the feeling.

"How'd you sleep?" Katara asked, leaning forward a bit.

"Um, alright I guess." I then shook off the question and decided to tell at least some of the truth. "At first it was bad, but then something happened and everything turned wonderful." I smiled at the memory of the feeling. "I felt warm and happy. All the bad just faded away." I shook my head and inwardly criticized my dreamy feeling. Everyone looked from me to Zuko, who was shirtless as he continued sparring with Aang. "Why do you ask?"

Sokka began to explain. "Well it's just that last night you were tossing and turning for a while and then-" Sokka was cut off by his own feminine scream. A billow of fire had hit the ground right behind him, singing the very tips of his ponytail.

"Sorry." Zuko shrugged. Sokka turned and started to argue with Zuko about whether or not that was on purpose. I just chuckled and walked away to do the day's laundry.

Death by Lightning  (OC x Zuko) book 3Where stories live. Discover now