Chapter 7

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A week. I have been here a week and I was already tired of this place. It wasn't what I had expected my return to be. Despite the presence of my friends and Zuko, the whole place seemed empty and dead. No bodies of my people had been found but their lack of presence choked the air and gave the once spiritual place a feeling of damnation.
I usually tagged along as Katara and Toph trained Aang in their designated elements in between when Zuko taught-er, tried to teach Aang firebending. Katara and I found it a bit humorous that the great Fire Nation Prince was failing at something, but it also worried the group. If Zuko couldn't train Aang no one could, and we would fail.
Everyone sort of watched today in angst as Zuko attempted to train Aang. A few other kids who had been in the invasion were here as well, as I found out during the tour I gave the Gaang. There was Haru, an attractive earthbender who really needed to shave off his mustache, the Duke who I remembered from Jet's little club, and some guy in a wheelchair who I didn't talk to.
"I know you're nervous," my attention was drawn to Zuko talking to Aang. The monk came to the sessions each day filled with hope that he would learn something, and he did. It just would have moved faster if Zuko could demonstrate better. "but remember... firebending in and of itself is not something to fear."
"Ok. Not something to fear." Aang repeated unsurely.
"But if you don't respect it," Zuko's face suddenly grew fierce as he started yelling. "it'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry komodo rhino!"
Aang gave a small yelp of fear and jumped a bit at his master's unanticipated shouting. It wasn't exactly unusual for Zuko to yell, especially now with all the added stress and pressure, but he never seemed to wish Aang harm or to go back on his promise to train him. Katara and I watched like eaglehawks whenever they were around each other, but I had grown to trust the ex-prince to a point. My only complaints were his short fuse and his first tactic being to shout.
"Now show me what you've got. Any amount of fire you can make." The prince said calmly. Aang took a nervous breath and attempted to firebend, only to conjure a small cloud of smoke.
I had promised myself that I wouldn't interfere, but this was going no where.
"Maybe I need a little more instruction. Perhaps a demonstration?" Anag suggested.
"Good idea. You might want to take a couple steps back." Zuko agreed, taking a few steps away from Aang as he got into his stance. He began to flow in the methodical movement until reaching the end where a large burst of fire was supposed to escape his hand, but in its place was a pathetic spark.
"What was that?! That was the worst firebending I've ever seen!" the prince shouted in frustration. It would have been funny if the fate of the world didn't depend on him firebending.
"I thought it was, nice." Aang shrugged.
"Why is this happening?!" He asked angrily.
"Maybe it's the altitude." Aang suggested. Zuko and I both knew it was more complicated than that, but it was worth a shot.
"Yeah, could be." With that he stood up and started down the mountain silently. I followed close behind. We got to a level area on the cliff side and all took places. Aang stood near Zuko and the prince concentrated on his breathing.
Without warning, he suddenly started bending once more with the same result. A yawn came from Aang.
Zuko started talking to himself. "Just breathe, and..." He punched the air and was greeted with sad amount of fire.
"That one kind of felt hot." Aang complimented anxiously.
"Don't patronize me. You know what it's supposed to look like!" Zuko lashed out.
"Sorry Sifu Hotman." Aang joked. I giggled a bit at his use of my title. Zuko gave me an angry look that blamed me for the name. He wasn't wrong.
"And stop calling me that!"
Sokka then joined us, an apple in hand and a thought clear in his mind. This had to be good.
"Hey, jerks. Mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerk bending?" He smirked.
"Get out of here" Zuko shouted, motioning for him to get lost.
"Ok, take it easy. I was just kidding around." He stood up. "Jerk bending, still got it." I rolled my eyes and watched him leave.
"Idiot." I muttered. I then turned to face a frustrated Zuko. "It's not the altitude Zuko." I would have elaborated, but he stormed off to the temple to sort out his problems. Aang and I glanced at eachother before follwong behind.

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