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shout out to my friend who just started spn and is only on season one. good luck and say goodbye to your social life


Brendon pulled himself out of bed two hours early and quietly started to put on his clothes. Slowly, he put a pack of cigarettes and his phone in his pocket. Brendon crept to the side of Dallons bed and moved his hands into view. His knuckles were bruised and the backs of his hands had small cuts scattered all over the place. 'What a shame' He thought.

Outside it was still night so again he started to the rooftop. Brendon could see the sun on the horizon and when he looked up, he could see the stars. Brendon went to go sit on the edge of the rooftop, but someone was already there. "Good morning Brendon" He heard a small, fraile voice. "Ty?" Brendon asked. "Is that you?"

Tyler turned around and gave him a weak smile before turning back towards the sunrise. Brendon took a seat next to him and lit a cigarette. "I didn't take you as the rule breaking type." Brendon joked. "Well I'm going to die soon anyways." He replied without flinching. Brendon was taken aback by this answer. "Shut up, I promised you when you got here you were going to get out one day." Tyler gave up on this argument and nodded.

"So why'd you come up here Bren?" Brendon shook his head and took another drag. "You don't just come up here for the hell of it. Is is Dallon again?" Brendon chuckled. "How'd you know." "People talk."

"I'm so tired of it all Tyler. The neglect. The fighting." Tyler's eyebrows furrowed together at the word 'neglect'. "How have you been holding up?" He asked. "Last night I yelled at him and the worst part is that I didn't mean half the things I said. I don't know what he wants and I sure as hell don't know what he needs." Tyler shook his head and turned his boy to face Brendon's. "You shouldn't have yelled."

"I don't expect you to know how it feels to be in Dallon's situation, but I don't know either. When someone shuts down like that, it's not because they want you to hurt. Though they know it might hurt you. They do it to protect themselves and everyone who knows them. I had shut down when me and Josh had first met. I was always so afraid of him being near me, I would call myself poison. When I did it, I had hoped he would give up on me so he could move on. But he never did and it was so frustrating because he looked so hurt when I didn't let him back in. All that time I never stopped caring, but I was always willing to put my feelings to the side."

Through the entire rant Brendon had been listening closely. Tyler had gotten so into what he was saying, and he meant every word. The two of them were so deep in conversation, that they had lost track of time. "Oh god Ty it's Almost nine, we've gotta go." Brendon sprinted down the halls with Tyler on his back. They reached 'inspection' just in time, both of them laughing while they walked into the room.

Brendon could feel someone glaring at him from across the room. He took a quick look and saw Josh, who was sitting next to Dallon. 'They talked didn't they?' Brendon thought. Once everyone was in the room, Dr. Barakat started down the list of names. "Ashley"

After ten minutes Ashley strutted into the room. "I'm on fire." She said with a smile. Ashley walked past him and sat next to her roommate, Hayley. "Brendon". He let out a sigh before proceeding into the next room. "I've noticed great improvement in you over the past months." Dr.Barakat said with a smile. "Has your medication been working sufficiently?" Brendon nodded. 'Liar'. "Any side effects or unusual behaviors." 'Other than mood swings and unbearable headaches?'. Brendon nodded again. "Well good news. At this rate you'll be out before you know it." Brendon smiled and the two of them walked back to the group.

Dallon's eyes looked even duller than before and the bags underneath had gotten darker. His entire body looked lifeless, as if he didn't have a reason to fight anymore. "Dallon." Dr. Barakat called out. Dallon thrusted himself from his chair and walked with heavy feet, out of the room. Dr.Barakat started looking over Dallon to make sure he hadn't hurt himself. And he hadn't- at least not intentionally. When Dr. Barakat got to his hands his shoulders fell and he sighed. "How" He asked. Dallon glared at him and pulled his sleeves back down.

"Dallon, I need you to cooperate with me. How did you do this?" Dallon, who found it useless to fight this grabbed his pen and paper. "I hit the wall" The doctor shook his head. "I really want you to get out of here Dallon. This is no place for someone so young." He sent Dallon on his way and continued down his unforgiving list.


Brendon walked back to his room after dropping off the new kid, Pete. Dallon wasn't being conservative anymore, and he had a new sketchbook which already had one picture. 'What's the point of hiding it anymore if Brendon won't be suspicious or even care?' He told himself. Brendon walked straight past him and sat on his own bed, putting in his earbuds.

Dallon absent mindedly sung a song when we was in the middle of a pencil drawing. The drawing was of man whose hand was a gun. On the side the words 'sometimes to stay alive, you've gotta kill your mind' were written in graffiti.

Me and you are meant to be,

Like stars in the sky,

And leaves on the trees.

When times are tough,

I want you to think,

Of you in my arms,

Me kissing your cheek.

They say all good things have an end,

So will it be heartbreak or death?

Maybe we can last beyond all time,

My hand in yours,

And your hand in mine.

Brendon removed and earbud for the last verse. "Could you shut up?" He snapped. Dallon scribbled something onto a piece of paper and held it up. "What do you care?" It said. Brendon could practically hear the words dripping of his tongue. "Just stop trying to make me feel guilty or whatever you're doing!" Brendon truly didn't care that Dallon was singing, in fact he enjoyed it. But that mediation he was on was having negative effects on him.

Dallon wrote more inside his book. "Why does it matter to you? You made it clear yesterday that you don't care about me anymore, so let me try and enjoy whatever's left of my life!" Brendon read. "Are we really going to do this again? If anything you're the one who doesn't care. I crawled after you for months trying to get you to show you cared about me too and I got neglect. You strung me out and made me think you cared and after I finally thought I had your attention I wake up one morning and you're silent. Am I not good enough to waste your voice on!" Dallon was so caught off guard by the power behind Brendon's voice. He finally got what he knew was only a glimpse of why his head was like.

Dallon's cheeks were tear stained, his eyes red and puffy. His body has wallowing in self-hatred for what he had done to the man standing in front of him. Dallons voice was gruff and hoarse. "I care"


woah you guys didn't see that one coming  

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