"Here you go," he told Louis, while holding out his attire. Somehow, Louis arrived at the yoga studio before the class even started, (crazy right), and gave Harry the clothes he bought along. The pair had already discussed the plan yesterday on text, which Harry was a bit uneasy about. He still wasn't ready to face the world's remarks and harsh opinions, but Louis reassured him that he'd protect him from anyone who came in their way. Harry responded with a thanks, and a blushing emoji.

"What're you doing?" Harry asked him wide-eyed, lips parting with a small gasp. He looked at Louis strangely, who was standing with a bare chest, his other shirt coddling around his hands. His tank top pooled at his feet, as he simply shrugged at the taller man.

 His tank top pooled at his feet, as he simply shrugged at the taller man

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"What? It's not like we haven't seen each other almost naked before." Louis said a bit carelessly, as he tugged the shirt over his head.

"Yeah, but other people haven't! You do remember that this is a public bathroom, right?" Harry asked while quirking his head out a bit, to stare at Louis. The other man rolled his eyes, but nodded.

"Who cares? It's not like we're ugly or something," he responded, a smug smile meeting his lips. He then lifted his hand and motioned it at his body. "I'm pretty
hot, actually."

"Obviously," he rolled his eyes. "But, I don't like changing in front of strangers," Harry explained.

"How'd you manage gym then?" Louis asked curiously, considering students were forced to change in the locker rooms, in front of everyone else. Well, in front of people of their gender, of course.

"I used to sneak into the stalls," Harry admitted sheepishly.

"Oh, well do that then! I'll change out here, though," he said, to which Harry nodded at.

"Okay," the bubblegum pink lips spoke, as the tall body steered itself towards the stall. Harry shot Louis one small smile, before slipping inside, his clothes hanging off his arm.

Louis pulled the pants up his legs, frowning a bit from how tight they were. He shimmied a bit into them, before buttoning his jeans up and making sure that his fly was up. He always gets embarrassed when someone tells him that his zipper was opened or when it was the end of the day and he only noticed it then. It only makes him wonder how many people had gotten a glimpse of his smiley face boxers, already.

Once making sure that they were okay, Louis wandered closer to the sink, where he gave himself a quick glance. He was dressed in a white shirt that had green stripes etched across it and some black jeans; his usual. He quickly turned the faucet on and wet his finger a bit, before running his hands through his hair. It made the locks more smooth and less sweaty. He played around with the strands for a while, wishing he had his hairspray with him right now. But, he didn't, so he simply left the tousled hair positioned messily, before closing the water, once hearing footsteps behind him.

Louis looked up and met Harry's green eyes through the mirror. A smile crinkled at his lips, as he raked over the man's body. His broad chest was clad with a blue shirt, which had a pattern of black and white lines running through it. The sleeves were short like Louis' and were folded so it ended above his elbow. His long legs were covered with tight jeans, with a pair of scruffy brown boots underneath them. His brown locks were flipped to the side, where some were tucked securely behind his ear.

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