Loose Ends

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Levarg felt kinda bad using Cathie as bait. But the echoes they were following had stopped which either meant they'd lost them, or that they knew he and Cathie were following them.

Cathie was Levarg's human, and the only one he had, he didn't want to take any chances. So crawling on the roofs above the alleys seemed like a good option when searching for evil kidnapping dragon eyed children threatening to eat your human.

So he crept along the top of the ally walls in search of possible danger. His scales pressed against the warm roof tiles that lined the darkness below, a silhouetted lump in the fading sunlight.

Turns out he was right not to take a chance.

Two parallel gold flecks flittered around, a feature uncommon but not unheard of in dragon eyes.

Threats are effortlessly more terrifying in the dark thought Tsaef. You don't know who or what your attacker is, you don't know what they're capable of. He knew that from past encounters with him, at least the girl in front of him knew he had a knife pressed against her neck, Tsaef was never graced with the knowledge of what could kill him whenever he talked to him.

"You're the blonde girl my brother gave the scroll to right?" Tsaef said with his most threatening voice.

The girl shivered slightly but remained silent.

"Could you just say something or nod, please?"  Tsaef asked as nicely as he could.

"Are you causing the disappearances?" She asked, attempting not to sound as afraid as she obviously was.

Tsaef was taken aback. "I can neither confirm nor deny that-but at least now I know why you're following us," he quickly corrected himself.

This girl doesn't really get the concept of interrogation, thought Tsaef.

"So...you are causing the disappearances?" She asked gaining a little bravery and ignoring the last part of Tsaefs dialogue.

"Mabye..." Tseaf said cut off by a short bit of croaking laughter followed by violent coughing. "Esruc I'm trying to interrogate someone!" Tsaef growled.

"Esruc is the kid who gave me the scroll?"

"I'm interrogating you not the reverse!" Tsaef snapped with a slight and quick growl.

She remained silent and returned to a normal fearfulness that any normal person would obtain when having a knife at their neck.

"Do you know where your Counterpart is?" Tsaef asked with an amused tone.

"Nope l'm pretty sure he abandoned me." She answered bluntly.

"I can assure you that your Dragon friend would never do that." Tsaef smiled.  "He's also very bad at hiding.  Esruc,  could you please get that confounded dragon off the wall please, before he ludicrously attempts to pounce on something."

White light edged with floating Mage script shot from the darkness, eliminating the scene for those that fail to see in the dark, and the spying grey dragon was sent crashing to the ground in a fit of wings and scaled limbs.

"I suggest a game," Tsaef laughed with psychopathic enthusiasm, this meeting had gone on long enough. "Hide and seek-the murderous kind."

The dragon scanned pointlessly in the dark for his attackers as it stumbled up onto its four scaled legs with a limp that made the creature shudder, while the girl remained perfectly still as if she was already dead, or did she seem ready to die?

Tsaef smiled and removed his blade from the girls neck then stepped away, and began counting. "One..."

The two immediately shot into what to them was the dark, but to Tseaf it was just another stone brick stretch of alley.

Esruc came up to Tseaf, his eyes held a faint glow that was captivated from the Catching Spell. His expression of mild questioning spelt out his query clearly.

"Loose ends make ends meet," Tseaf replied.

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