
14 3 2

The Underground Militants had reported back from their first night on the search, two of them were gone, obviously whoever is orchestrating the disappearances is onto their attempts to find them, and so quickly too. Did they have a spy, and if so, who was it? Or did they use magic, was it a dragon?  Too many questions spiralling in and out of my head in storms of colour made it hard to see or think clearly.

Dean was getting upset too, but I think his worry was different.  What I could see through the haze of my ideas was a slow progression of his light beams cocooning around the King on his throne, he hadn't moved a muscle since he heard the news about the militants.

If only humans could be immortal, he would be so much stronger and more powerful in his old age, alas, there is yet to be an Eternal human. Maybe if we ever found Larutan, just maybe she could help.

Oh stop it! Look what you've done, you've worked yourself into a fit, you can't see a thing now.

There's voices coming from outside, they sounded important but I can't see the source through the chaos of worries and hypotheses layered around me. As I became more concerned about what was going on beyond the thought cloud I had created, the ideas began to shift towards the edge of my vision.

I could see again! There was a human soldier adorned with the kingdom's colours of orange and red (why on earth we chose those colours I have no idea - to me orange is pain and red is rage).  He was kneeling before King Dean, whose arcs of light had stopped coiling around him with the arrival of the distraction. I could hear them better now that my thoughts had quietened.

"My Lord, a human child and a small, grey dragon have come to deliver a message."

The King looked rather confused. "How on earth did they get in?"

"Sir, I believe they asked the guards nicely," said the solider.

"Oh, well in that case, I don't see any reason not to let them see me," said Dean cheerfully.

A distraction is welcome in the troubled times of our golden age.

The soldier bowed then left through the great oak door, as soon as he left, in came a human child, she had a glow similar to King Dean's but it wasn't as big or shiny as his, nor did it bounce off the walls.  There were also strands of orange coming from her head and a bandage on her left arm.  Orange meant pain,  I knew that colour well from my days in battle, but if the pain was physical or mental I could not tell. A young, grey dragon followed her shortly, he was very small compared to me and he glowed like a beacon of trust.  He also grew fidgety and bowed repeatedly as soon as he saw me. What a strange thing to do.

The suffering child quickly gave a scroll, bound in black ribbon, to King Dean, her dragon friend seemed quite frozen, but she headed towards the oak door.

"Is that it?" Muttered King Dean, scroll in his hand.

The girl turned around and nodded, poor child must be nerve racking to be in the presence of both a King and an Eternal at once.

She was halfway out the door when she, possibly, remembered the grey dragon.

"Levarg! We can go now," she called.

The grey dragon stopped staring at me, snapped to his senses and followed his friend out of the room.

Ideas started to creep into my vision as I thought about the scroll, it could be a threat from the person or people involved in the disappearances.

Dean was unwinding the black ribbon and unfurled the scroll, once again he looked confused.

"Mortsyks would you come over here, there's a Concealment spell on it and it's directed to both of us," he mumbled.

I stretched my legs and walked a step closer to Dean, careful not to knock the chandelier with my huge wings. I could see the scroll now.

Give this to King Dean and Mortsyks or else we'll eat you, we don't want to eat you, you could be distasteful, so just give the dam scroll to King Dean...

Love from T and E

The 'Love from T and E' slid further down the page, and above it a new message started to shimmer into existence.

                                          Enacrasha is coming back


It was the late afternoon, Tsaef and Esruc were circumnavigating the castle via the afternoon shadows, when Tseaf spotted the blonde girl and her dragon friend.

They must of given Mortsyks and the King the scroll, why else would they be up in Rich Mount, Tseaf smiled.

Everything was going according to plan.

WingWardTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon