He looked sorry for me and I told him to stop. "You don't have to feel sorry for me, I've adjusted, it's all cool." I added.

"No, it's not 'all cool' it's far from it. I never knew what I started had such a huge effect on you." He replied.

"It is all cool, now come on, just leave it." I replied as I walked to the door.

"Are we taking the car today?" He asked.

"No why?" I asked.

"Because your car has seat warmers and a nice smell, the bus doesn't." He replied.

"We can't take my car, if people see us arrive together then it will mess everything up. That can't happen. We can not be seen together,you know that it's why you said all that stuff about me in town." I replied.

"Do you not want to take the car because you don't want to be seen with me or because you don't want me to be seen with you?" He asked.

"Are they not the same thing?" I asked.

"No, one is you not wanting to be seen with me to make your life easier and the other is so i'm not seen with you to save my popularity." He replied.

I rolled my eyes."Both, now lets get to the bus stop." I said as I grabbed my school bag, shoved my food in and walked out.

We parted ways after the bus with me hanging behind for extra safety and then he came up to me in the halls and insulted me like usual but it wasn't as harsh as expected. He just commented on my clothes. I could tell that his little mates were thinking the same by the look on their faces.

"Yo dude, what was that?" I heard one of them say.

"I don't know man, I couldn't think of anything to say today." He replied as if that was usual for him.

His little followers nodded and they walked too far away for me to hear their conversation.

At lunch, I sat myself in the library in my favorite reading spot. It was right by the window and I could see the whole school field from here. There is a window seat that I sit on and read and I occasionally watch the other students mess around outside, enjoying the bliss summer sun. I pulled my water bottle out of my bag and I had a little sip. Just then, I felt someones presence by me so I turned away from the window to see Nate standing over me.

"Nate?" I asked.

"Come on, come with me." He said as he pulled my book away from my hands.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I shoved my things back into my bag and stood up.

"The canteen." He replied as he started walking away from me.

"No, I can't go in there." I replied. "Especially not with you." I added.

"Why not?" He asked as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the library.

"Because I can't. Going in there with you is like social death which is crazy because I don't think I can get any lower than I already am." I replied with a nervous laugh.

"I'm starting to think that this is about more than just the canteen." He said as he stopped walking and turned around to face me.

I sighed and looked at the ground.

"What is it Maya?" He asked.

"Well, remember how I used to be friends with Tiffany at the very start of school here?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Well, she had a huge crush on you but hated that you were my friend which is why she joined in with you and your torment of me. She told me that if she sees me with you again then she'll make my life worse at school." I explained.

"She said what?" He asked angrily.

"Woah, why are you so mad?" I asked.

"Because I am, okay?" He said as he turned around and balled his hand into a fist.

"Hey hey hey hey, what's this for?" I asked as I grabbed his fist and held it up to his face.

"She should have never sad that to you." He said as anger passed through his eyes.

"Calm down, it's fine." I said as I grabbed his hand again and un-balled his fist.

He shook himself a little before grabbing my hand again and walking me straight into the canteen. People started to stare and I practically shrunk behind Nate. "I want to go back to the library." I whispered to him as he lead me to his table.

"I don't care." He replied as he sat me down. "Guys, Maya will be joining us today. Play nice." He looked Tiffany dead in the eye as he said is last few words. "Don't want anyone getting hurt now do we."

I wasn't sure if he meant physically or mentally but I know that I don't want to find out. I saw the hatred flash through her eyes as he sat down next to me. I guess she hasn't got over her crush.

"What she doing here?" One of his plastics asked.

"Well, I thought we should give her a day to live without our torment." He replied.

"What?" Me and the plastics all chourused.

"Yeah, she listens to our insults and things so I thought that we should let her have one day where she gets to live normally." He added.

"Nate, are you feeling okay?" Tiffany asked.

"I'm feeling fine." He replied.

I was wondering when this conversation was going to end and while doing that, I switched my attention to the people behind me. I heard whispers and people asking why I was at Nate's table. There were also nasty comments thrown in, some worse than others.

"Yeah, i'm going to go, I never wanted to be here in the first place." I said as i grabbed my bag and stood up. "No offence." I added before I speed walked out of the room.

I walked back to the library and spent the rest of lunch there.

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