Chapter 12: Sleepover

Start from the beginning

When am I gonna find my one true love? 

He's next door, Vi!

I quickly shook the thoughts off and gave my attention back to my mother.

"Na-ah. You should talk to him, mom! Tell him you are jealous," I teased. 

Feeling my mom's deadly glare at the other line, I chuckled loudly this time as I rolled on my back and my right hand involuntarily held the phone closer to my ear. 

"Is Xandrous really pursuing you?" mom detoured the topic and I stiffened. I suddenly felt cornered and lying to my mom is like running away from a ghost. 


"He's living at the next door, mom," I said after a long pause.

"So, it was true!" mom exclaimed. I'm not sure if she's happy or angry. Her voice tones up a little bit and sharp.

"You don't like him, mom?" more like a question, my heart suddenly feels heavy as it pounded inside my ribcage. 

"Of course, I do!" mom exclaimed. "I never thought he would do something after we found out that you love him, and the way he looks at you, it reminds me of your father. It's the same, it's just that, he always looks pained all the time. He always has this wistful stare," mom explained and I absentmindedly bob my head as I chewed on my bottom lip. I didn't tell them that he was my first boyfriend. "Sometimes, I wonder," her voice lowering at the end. 

"You mean to say, mom, he's always brooding!" I teased as I chuckled trying to sway her curiosity.

"Well, ever since, he's always the serious one among his friends-"

"Mom, it was Raffy and Max," I reminded her chuckling.

"Oh, yes. Those two, as well. They should make a club called the Brooding Men's Club," then mom chuckled. I felt relieved when mom's curiosity died down and she sounds playful. "You know, I remember Lauren's story about them and Zandros. He kind of reminds me of his father. Father like son," mom commented and my forehead furrowed. I didn't get it.

"What do you mean?" I said and I felt like I sounded like Justin Bieber in my head, singing that line.

"He's very egoistic," mom said briefly and I nodded. Yes, his ego doesn't fit his head. Now that I'm ready to move on, he finally realized he can steer clear of Cassie. If only he realized that earlier, we probably are married by now and happy. I wouldn't be here, or I wouldn't have met these wonderful people, I wouldn't be called the queen bitch or selfish, and I wouldn't lose my baby.

Life is unfair, yet at the end of the day, it is fair. We learn from our trials, from our mistakes, and find our purpose. A life without trials is like an empty box. When you open it, there's nothing inside. Boring, dull. It's like a plain black dress with no accessories. 


When I have grandkids, I have a story to tell and they won't be bored hearing it, like the story of my mom and dad. I always want to hear it before I go to bed. It's my bedtime story and the glow in my mom's face, the pride in her eyes, I wanted to have that. I want my own story when I grow old like them.

I let out a big yawn and pulled the comforter up to my shoulder and curled in a fetus position. The phone sitting on my ear, flatly. I could feel the sleep slowly taking over.

"Mom, I'm going to sleep," I said between yawning. 

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. Sure, I'll talk to you later. Goodnight, Vicky." 

"Good day, mom!" then the call ended. I lazily grab the phone against my ear and put it on the side table. 

Not long, I fell into a deep slumber.

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