9. Couple traditions

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You and George had a movie day every Sunday then go out a walk along the beach at sunset. You's both loved doing this because it meant getting to spend time together and you always learnt more about each other.

Once George was more famous and started touring with The Vamps, getting more fans and being noticed more about town, you's would always get stopped by fans for pictures and a little chat, but you didn't mind because you loved how they supported and respected your relationship plus they were really lovely!


you and Reece went out for dinner every Saturday to a fancy restaurant. it was his treat because he was so busy with the band during the week days so at the weekend he was all yours and he took you wherever you wanted and a new restaurant afterwards. most of the time, you would just ask for him to be with you, you weren't fussy as long as yous were together, you were happy and content.

you mainly asked him to go on adventure trails with you because you loved being outdoors and taking photos. you would post them on your social media a afterwards and fans would love it. they thought you were amazing at photography and loved your technique. the boys even asked you to film their covers when dean wasn't available because you were so good, which of course, you gladly accepted.


you and Blake went to watch every movie which released in the cinema every weekend when it came out and if you's really enjoyed it and there was no good movies playing, you's would rewatch that. you would also go to your favourite concerts, etc.

you loved watching Blake playing guitar and singing with the boys so you went to watch their rehearsals. you accidentally told Blake how much you wanted to learn guitar, and from then on, it became a mission for him; to teach you guitar. which I guess you could say turned into a tradition, because you would have little nights by the bonfire out your back garden playing guitar and singing duets together.

I hope you enjoy this chapter! idk why I chose to write this but I got some inspiration and thought why not! personally, I found them really cute idk about you lol :)

Twitter: @trumancsjb

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