7. he asks you out

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George was round at your house for a movie day as you had one every Sunday, like one of those 'couple traditions' every couple had. You were just finishing Guardians of the Galaxy, your favourite movie, when you went to the kitchen to refill your bowl of popcorn. You loved spending time with George as you really liked him and hopefully, he felt the same way.
"Y/N can you come here for a minute?" George shouted from the cinema room. You quickly walked in, because knowing him he has probably spilt something. As you walked in you noticed no spillages, which left you confused.

George was smiling nervously between you and the plate with haribos on it. You walked towards him and looked at the plate. The haribos were arranged to say 'will you be my girlfriend? :)' You were in so much shock, as any girl would be when the boy they like asked them out. "I'll be back in a sec,"  you winked and grinned innocently.

You went back to the kitchen, just in time for the popcorn to be ready. You filled a bowl for you both to share and a little plate with popcorn arranged to say 'yes!!!' When you went back to the living room and showed George the plate he looked at you with the cheesiest smile and kissed you. God, you liked that boy so much and you could finally call him yours!


You and Reece were out a walk with your dogs. You had only been friends for a short few weeks but you already know you loved him. You fell hard and fast some may say. He also liked you but right now, as he was touring with The Vamps, you didn't know if you were both ready for a relationship even though you knew you did.

Reece tangled his hands to fit perfectly in between yours. You looked up at him and smiled, taking in all his perfect features. You sighed to yourself, you really wanted to call him yours officially even though you were already basically together. It wasn't the same.

"Y/N we need to talk," Reece said, worriedly. You started panicking. Did he not like you? Did he find someone else? You were so worried you weren't good enough that you didn't realised you were squeezing his hand. He flinched in pain and you immediately let go and apologised. "It's good, don't worry." You felt a little at ease but you were still worried about what he wanted to talk about.

You's stopped at a park nearby and let your dogs off their leash to let them roam about while you both sat on a bench. Reece turned to face you and interlocked your hands again, but this time both hands. "So I was thinking about us. And basically, Y/N I like you so much, I think it may actually be love now and I want us to be official. I don't care what management or fans say, I just want us to be together..." he trailed off, roaming your face for some sort of reaction. You smiled brightly at him and it looked as though hundreds of weight was lifted off his shoulder.

"Oh my god yes! I feel the same way, although I'd rather we leave it and not confirm our relationship just yet until we see the fans reaction..." You said, you already knew the fans liked you because he had posted pictures of you guys but you wanted to wait longer and see how it went. He nodded in agreement, thank god he understood. You wish had finally came true!


You were at Blake's house with the boys (George and Reece) playing Xbox, which you were winning at, obviously. You had ordered pizza and scoffed it all down within the first 10 minutes.

"Blake can you show me where the toilet is please?" You asked, looking at him with a small smile.
"Of course, come this way m'lady!" He jokingly replied. You followed him and went to the bathroom.

You were headed back to Blake's game room when you heard the boys talking. You leaned into the room, which was closed, and listened in.

"Blake when are you going to ask Y/N out? You guys make it so obvious that you's like each other!" George exclaimed, he was kind of true, you did liked Blake but you didn't think you stood a chance with him. He was in a band, touring arenas all around UK and venues in Europe with The Vamps and you were just you, you liked bands and Xbox you weren't all that special.But Blake thought you were, he was so amazed by you and your beauty. You were so unique to him, he had never met a girl like you before. You were flawless to him; long, dark brown hair, green/brown eyes, you were funny. You were practically perfect to and for him. He really wanted to ask you out but he wasn't 100% sure yet.

"I will but I don't know if she even likes me! For all i know she could be into one of yous!" He said, of course you were into him! You walked in feeling pretty confident for once and said "of course I like you loser, how could i not?" You smiled.

Blake snapped his head around as soon as he heard you talk, "shit you heard that?"

"No, I was talking to your mum" you replied, sarcastically.

"Well then, since I like you and you like me... Will you be my girlfriend Y/N?" Blake asked.

"Hm... I'll think about it..." You said as you walked towards him as though you were about to go sit back on his bed. His jaw dropped. "I'm kidding! Of course I'll go out with you idiot!" You quickly added in, as you went up to kiss him on the cheek and hug him. Keeping it PG because George and Reece were still in the room.

This is so long and boring I am so sorry!! But do you guys like NHC's new cover of Cake by the Ocean?! I love it!

Twitter: @trumancsjb

new hope club preferences ♔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon