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     Brynns pov

My eyes fluttered open and then shut again. In that brief moment I could only make out Hunter. 'Hunter' I tried to say, but it came out more like "Hunfur!" I raised my hand to see that everything was still intact when I remembered it was my leg. I tried to get up but Hunter gently pushed me back down. With these movements, everything became a queasy, blur and I soon felt very light headed. I tried to say, 'Hunter! We have to get out of here!' but me being so heavily sedated, it came out more like, "Hunfur! Wy haf zo get owt uf heer!" Hunter looked at me in a strange way. He came over and held my hand. "What?" he asked.
"Wee...haff...zzto...guuoo!" I slurred slowly and a little more understandably. "Brynn?! You're out of your mind! Do you realize what could happen if we leave?! You could get seriously hurt without the doctors assistance!"
I didn't want to talk anymore so I just carried on with my movements. I slowly got myself up. Hunter just stood there watching me. He knew my intentions but probably thought he couldn't persuade me so I'll have to fail on my own.
When the room stopped spinning, I roughly exited my leg from the sling hanging from the roof. I then tried to get off the bed. I ended up off the bed but not before I lost my balance, and fell to the floor. "Brynn." Hunter said. "Just stop now!" He didn't lunge for me though. I pulled my self along the side of the bed and stood up...then puked and fell back down. I tried to get up again and this time I succeeded! I slowly and carefully walked towards the door, but couldn't seem the grab the knob. I kept hitting the door because the knob would not stand still! Finally, I was able to grab the knob. At this point in time, Hunter was getting interested and nervous. The janitors cart was right outside my room. I walked over to it and I grabbed a hammer. One of the tools that was in the cart. 'How convenient!' I thought. I didn't know they had these. I stared at it, trying to figure out what to do with it when it turned into a kite. I childishly, swung it around in the air for a little bit until my grip started to loosen. Hunter ran over and tried to take the hammer away from me. "NUUOO" I cried. I grabbed it back from him, don't ask me how because I don't even know, and whacked my cast with it three quick times. The cast shattered and my leg saw the sun again. "BRYNN!" Hunter screamed at me. "NOW WE REALLY HAVE TO LEAVE!"
Hunter ran me back into my hospital room and unlatched the window. "Why couldn't we have been on the first floor?!" I heard Hunter mutter to himself along with some curse words. Hunter lowered himself out of the window and then helped me out. He slid down the shutters and then hung from the edge of the first floors' hangover. I followed him and then he grabbed my hand and lowered me to his foot. Now, I was hanging from his foot and he was hanging from the hangover so I wasn't too far from the ground. I let go and then he dropped down after me. He led me carefully to his car and then we drove off. Hunter looked at me. "You are such an idiot!" He said to me.


Back at home, Hunter examined my leg. "You know," he said coming into my room with a wet rag, "you shouldn't have done that!" I looked up at him and smiled. "But then, we never would have escaped that miserable place." I told him, as if it were a valid explanation. "Come on! The pudding there isn't that bad." Hunters' face questioned whether his own explanation was valid as well. Hunter gently rubbed the rag on my leg. I winced in pain. "So, did the doctors tell you what happen to my leg?!" I asked Hunter. He nodded his head and said, "You broke it." I shrugged. "And I never knew about my hands." Hunter looked up. "Those were much worse. You completely exploded the main vertebra in both your hands and little fragments of your bones were scattered about your hands." I stared at Hunter blankly and nodded my head slowly. I looked down at my hands. "Oh. Wow!" I said.

My leg was very tender for the next couple of weeks. Finally, after those weeks I could run. It occurred to me that I haven't seen Kitten or Mouse at all lately. The farm animals were well taken care of everyday. I went out the back door early in the morning so Hunter didn't notice. Then, I ran to my woods and there, I met Kitten and Mouse. I hoisted Kitten onto Mouses back and then I got on my self. The three of us rode around together for hours and then we sat down by my 'hitting tree'. Soon enough, I was asleep. Curled up against Mouse and Kitten. As I was waking up, I heard footsteps. I looked at Mouse and Kitten and they heard them too. "Come on guys!" I whispered. Mouse stood up and still as I got Kitten on. "Dam it!" I muttered. At the edge of the forest I had gotten on by my special rock that was the perfect height. Usually, I could get on by the ground but not with my leg like this. The footsteps got closer and closer and I desperately tried to get on. I turned around just in time to see Hunter. He looked absolutely shocked as he stared at me, my 'hitting tree', my animals. "Brynn?!" he said. "What's all this?!" I looked up, angry he had found my woods. "I-" I tried to explain. "Don't lie to me!" Hunter was furious. "You should go." I said, but we both knew he wasn't going anywhere until he had an explanation.

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