Finally, Denaii leaned down, taking in the delicious bouquet, his eyes fluttering shut for the briefest of moments; not enough for Karolinna to get the upper hand on him. He presses one hand to Karolinna’s face, pushing it down until he could hear the thud of her cheekbone hitting the ground, and then smelled a line up her throat. The tip of his nose tickled her skin as it grazed the path. He had barely managed to widen his maw before his body had become airborne.

Denaii’s skull made a sickening cracking sound, like the snap of a branch being chopped from a tree, when it connects with the window ledge; and its only then in that moment that he realizes what he as nearly done.

He feels ashamed and tries to make himself as small as possible by shrinking against the window, almost curling into a ball.

Villahr is livid; his fists clenched at his sides, trapping the fabric of his black slacks in each fist. Denaii knew what he had done would set them back, negating any progress they had made to convince Villahr that he wasn’t the monstrous creature he thought, a fact which Karolinna did not so easily accept either.

Villahr was looking at him just as he did that first night that they were introduced. Like he were a poisonous insect that the elna wanted nothing more than to exterminate for the protection of his sister.

Turns out though, Karolinna liked bugs — or at least, this one in particular.

Do leeches count as bugs?

Karolinna’s still lying on the ground, but pulled up on her elbows now. Her flaxen hair was a mess over the flooring as if someone had spilt something fluid and was shining against there skin where a few strands had dropped as well.

She looked a little shaken, which was a vision that Denaii was not used to seeing since she had always held up a brave face when they were together, as if being in the presence of a vampire didn’t terrify her even just a little. She was watching him with not entirely disappointment, but sadness. Villahr on the other hand only had eyes for him, which sounds a lot more romantic and sweet than it really was.

The throbbing of the dark one’s head soon died and he moved to sit upwards. His hunger was still wild but right now he was in control of it, even though his stomach lurched whenever he caught sight of the smears on Karolinna’s shoulders. Her wounds had healed, but the blood was still fresh on her skin. She looked at him almost pleadingly now, and there was something else in the pools of purple and metallic, something apologetic. It was as if she didn’t blame him for his actions and was in some way guilted into thinking it was more her fault than his that he had lunged for her.

Denaii knew he should feel horrified by this but he couldn’t help that butterfly wing flutter in his stomach t that signified his relief; that she did not hate him, and she wasn’t upset.

When Karolinna looked back to her sibling, he was no longer standing above her, but instead was rummaging through her drawers in search of something. Karolinna knew what he sought and that he would soon enough find one, tucked behind her delicates along with a pack of smokes she had been hiding from the maid and a none too suspicious baggie of white powder that she had gotten clubbing one night that she found didn’t succeed to do anything for her mood. Not even the slightest buzz. She really ought to toss it.

By the time Karolinna had risen to her feet, Villahr had found was he was scanning for; a sharp stake. Rather than cored with Korebon it was more antiquely carved and treated like they used to do centuries ago. It had been her fathers at one point after all.

Villahr strode across the room to where Denaii was still sitting on the floor, not wanting to make any sudden movements that could be misconstrued as a dart again for Karolinna, and subconsciously avoiding the sunlight pouring in with more vigour by the second through the window behind him.

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