The Sun cares for the Moon. Chapter2

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Dark Link had been staying with Link for a while and everywhere Link went... so did Dark Link.
Dark Link loved helping people and most of all, he loved caring for children while the grownups did work.
Dark was given this job so he could prove to Zelda that he wasn't a monster... at least that was what Link said anyway.

Dark played with the children outside today, it was a beautiful day when the snow had almost completely melted as they went out.
"Come now children! Let's enjoy this while it lasts!" Dark cheerfully stated as the kids scurried about.
Eventually Dark saw Link riding back from Hyrule castle and waved to him but then he saw Zelda with him and cowered.

Zelda got off of Epona and glared at Dark as Dark shuddered fearfully.
Zelda started to shout at Link about how Dark shouldn't be with children and soon all of the town was around the three and slowly backing away from Dark.
"He isn't a monster Zelda..." Link simply said as he angrily stared down Zelda.
"ASK HIM WHO HIS MASTER IS!!!" Zelda I..." "ASK HIM LINK!!!" Link then asked Dark who his leader was.
"Ganondorf is my master... but.... he left me all alone after I became a teenager..." Dark said gently but then saw Link's face become shocked as he backed away and Zelda gave Dark a grin of victory.
"L...Link?" Dark began as Link swung his sword at Dark.
"Back away demon! Don't get any closer!!" Link yelled as he swung again.

"L...LINK!" Dark cried out as the children ran to their parents, now afraid as the snow came again and soon Dark was beaten and cut.
Dark stared at Link, Link had betrayed Dark and Dark didn't trust anymore. He feared for his life as he ran off, back to Lake Hylia.

"King Ganondorf was right... friends aren't real... this world is full of mean people... and full of traitors."
Dark thought to himself sadly as he ran, he then made it to Lake Hylia and finally stopped running, he started to cry right then and there, he truly felt that he was a monster... just like Zelda said.

~Kakoriko village~

Link had "saved" everyone from a monster yet again as Zelda kissed his cheek and yet... he felt like a monster...


Link was walking to Lake Hylia, he wanted Epona to take a break but he did still have his sword, as he entered the lake however... he heard Dark talking to someone and hid, listening and spying...
It was Ganon himself.
"Oh my little Dark Link..." He said as Dark sobbed and Ganon stroked his hair.
"How they betrayed you... such cruelty..." He said with a slight grin.
Dark didn't notice and kept crying.
"I guess you aren't ready at all... back into the lake young one.."
"Master No!!! P...Please! I don't want to be alone again!! I can do it I promise!!!" Dark cried as Link realised what he had done.
Dark Link just wanted to have a life beyond that lake...
How long had he been there?...
Link got more unhappy with himself as he thought about how long Dark had been alone.
I need to save him..." Link thought as Ganon began to make Dark Link become one with the lake again.
"You have failed me child... now you must pay for it... back into your prison you go... don't cry.. you caused this..." Ganon said with an angry sigh.

Link sneaked behind Ganon and attacked, Ganon roared and turned to Link who ran away and grabbed Dark then he ran with Dark in his arms.
"W...WHA!?!?" Dark yelped loudly as Ganon roared angrily again and threw his sword at Link who dodged and ran as fast as he could.
"PUT ME DOWN YOU MEANIE!! WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO SUFFER!?! WHY DO YOU WANT TO KILL ME AND WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!?" Dark yelled and panicked and sobbed as he squirmed and eventually just cried unhappily as Link hugged him tight and eventually stopped running as soon as he knew that Ganon couldn't find them.

He sat down and made Dark sit on his lap while he hugged him.
"I'm sorry... for what I did..." He said sadly while he hugged Dark.
Dark looked at him with his Ruby red eyes and asked.
"Why?... don't you hate me?... don't you want me dead?..."
Link looked shocked and stared into those red eyes. "N...No... I...."
"Why did you hurt me then?" Dark asked unhappily.

"I...." Link didn't know until he really thought about it.
"I was afraid... G...Ganon has taken alot from us... and he has killed and destroyed so many.... but.... seeing how he treated you... that's cruel... and it's obvious that you aren't going to do evil." He said as Dark blinked. "I...It's all I've ever known though...." He whimpered as Link pet his head.
"Well how about we change that?" Link smiled as Dark's eyes widened. "R...Really!? Y...You want to... help me?"
Link nodded as he was hugged and he laughed. "Thank you!! Thank you!!!"
Then Dark went too far and kissed Link right on the lips.
Link blushed as Dark kissed then stopped himself.
"A....Ah! I'm so so so so sorry!!!" Dark squeaked I'm embarrassment, red in the face.
Link just smiled and kissed Dark's forehead.
"It's fine... What's a kiss between friends?"
Link smiled but on the inside he was already falling for Dark.
Dark smiled back and said.
"I guess your right!"
On the inside...
"But why don't I want to stop?"

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