The lonely Moon befriends the Sun. Chapter 1.

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He sighed sadly...
Nothing to do...
Nothing to live for...
All is quiet within the reflection.

Dark Link was only a reflection...
He may have had emotions and a mind of his own but he was still only a reflection... and a lonely one at that.

For many years he had been stuck as the reflection in Lake Hylia.
It was winter again and he was freezing yet again, he always loved hearing the tunes for Christmas and loved hearing the laughter and joy of people when it was winter time but over the years... it was only quiet and sad... Oh how he missed having people come and visit...
He sighed sadly and whimpered unhappily, he wished that someone would come...
He wanted to at least hear a voice..
Even for a little while.

His wish was answered that night as a huge snowstorm roared outside and he shivered then heard the sound of a person.
"J...Jeeze it's c...c...cold out here!" A blonde boy riding on a horse came over.
"There is no way that we will ever make it to the castle in a storm like this! We'll have to make camp here and get there tomorrow!" The blonde yelled to his horse over the howling wind as the horse allowed the boy to make shelter.

The shadow was amazed at this, he had never seen such a beautiful sight. A tent with a fire in front of it and most of all a beautiful horse.
He tilted his head and smiled as he listened to the blonde's muttering and talking, Falling asleep.


The shadow awoke to see the blonde getting ready to leave again but before leaving he was looking into the water. "Wierd... I don't have a reflection..." He muttered and as soon as he turned, the shadow looked at his face and got close to the top of the ice, the blonde turned then yelped at the Dark reflection.
Dark Link mimicked the blonde's movements by accident...
The blonde reached towards the frozen water and so did the Dark one as the tip of their pointer fingers touch and suddenly they feel something strange, the ice opened up and blondie jumped back as he watched the dark Reflection get blown out of the water and onto his body.
The dark one groaned and then they stared at eachother, the dark one blushing timidly and trying to get off as the Blonde stared in wonder at the raven haired creature that was tossed onto him.
"H...Hello..." The blonde said gently and the raven haired one squeaked, being shy as he timidly hid his face with his hair, shoulders hunched and legs hugged against him.
"I...I'm Link... a..and you are?"
Link tried again to talk to the shadow who responded this time after a few minutes of dead silence.
"I... I don't really h....have a... name...."
His voice was so sweet and gentle... flowing through Link's ears like a sweet morning dew as he stared and blushed slightly.
"Where d..did you come from?" Link asked.
"Umm... I came from the lake... I live there... but I've never been able to leave..."
"Until now?"
"U...Until now..."
They sat silently as Link brushed away Dark Link's hair away from his face.
"Alright then... Dark one... I'll take you with me to see what all of this is about."
Dark looked at Link but was only met with his chest as Dark was picked up in Link's arms, bridal style and placed onto the horses's back.
They rode off, Dark was unsure of what to do... he didn't understand at all what was going on or how things should be done, he only held onto Link and went along with whatever he was planning.


The two managed to get to Hyrule Castle where Link was greeted by villagers and then helped Dark off of the horse.
Dark was very clumsy and frail as he bumped into Link while in the process of steadying himself.
"O..Oh! I...I'm sorry!" He blushed timidly as Link looked into those dazzling red eyes and got lost in them, they looked like someone had gotten dragon's blood and mixed glitter in it to produce a beautiful and glowing shimmer.
Link shook his head and pulled Dark into the throne room then bowed before Zelda.
"Link! You are here! W...Wait... what is...?" Zelda looked disgusted.
"I'm found him on my way here... he's a bit shy so please forgive him... but he literally came out of Lake Hylia... I don't know what he is myself but... he is quite pretty... isn't he... Zelda can you help me figure out what he is?" Link showed Zelda Dark and Dark timidly backed up, not wanting to scare anyone as his shimmering, raven hair fell back over his face.
Zelda looked disgusted even more. "That creature should not be here... it should be dead and destroyed before it becomes a problem." She growled as Dark whimpered.
"Zelda we can't just kill everything that has red eyes and black clothes!" Link protested as Zelda huffed.
"Fine then Link... He's your responsibility then! But if... no.... when he becomes a problem... I'll kill him myself!" She yelled and then Link was dismissed ad he angrily dragged along the Dark reflection of him.
"I...I'm sorry." Dark said gently.
"It's not your fault... Zelda is just being a... she's being a judgmental fool..." Link said carefully.
"Let's go home... to my home... then we can get started on making you part of Hyrule as well as figuring out what you are and why you were stuck in Lake Hylia." Link smiled as Dark tried to smile back, looking really cute.


Link was talking to his Dark friend and teaching him how to be a proper person.
Link was helping Dark get ready for bed and saw Dark's tiny frame, he chuckled at how curvy Dark was and how feminine he looked, how pretty his pale skin was and how adorable he looked with those big eyes of his but most of all, his naturally black nails threw Link off for a bit and Dark's beautiful body was very tempting to touch.
"H...Here! Put t...these on!" Link held out an oversized, white dress shirt and a pair of girl's underwear from the time that he got drunk and bought them then never went back to the store where he got them to return them out of embarrassment, nor did he wear them... they were kind of just a sign of regret and a constant reminder to not get like that ever again.
Dark put these things on as Link tried not to watch but found himself peeking at the other male.
"What in the world am I doing...? That is a guy and you are a guy...!" Link thought to himself as he peeked again, this time he got an eyeful of the other's manhood and thought. "Oh my... that is too big of a package for such a small guy.
After Dark was done dressing they ate dinner which Dark was happy to eat and profusely thanked Link for the meal.


Dark yawned adorably and cuddled up next to Link.
Link blushed and cuddled back, he didn't want to make Dark feel bad by saying that you weren't supposed to cuddle people you barely knew and just let it happen as they laid in Link's bed, Link was too kind to allow Dark to sleep on the floor.
"Goodnight Mr. Link!" Dark chirped sleepily.
"Goodnight Dark..." Link smiled and watched the Dark version of himself fall asleep.
"I'll make sure that Hyrule accepts and loves you small one... soon... you will be part of Hyrule."
Then the hero drifted off to sleep.

○The Sun and the Moon●
•°set together tonight°•
☆and soon they will create☆
¤ a beautiful eclipse.¤

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