"Tawny was very impressed with your dancing. henry has a nice drink for you as
a reward for performing satisfactorily." With that, Miss Karen nodded at the
guy, who handed her a tall glass filled with...what? Cum?!

slut hesitated for just the barest moment before raising the glass to her lips
and beginning to drink it's contents. It was cool but not cold, and thick, and
tasted of men, but not so strongly as it should. She loved cum and didn't much
care what the glass contained other than at least some of the thick man juice
that she seemed to constantly crave. She drank it down to the bottom, allowing
some gobs of thicker material that stuck to the bottom of the glass to drop out
into her mouth.

"Very nice, slut. Now,you are needed to demonstrate for the pig how to use the
humping bar. henry, you get it adjusted and fasten her in. Remove your bikini,

slut pushed the little thongs down over her knees and stepped out of them
quickly, then dropped her top to the floor. Both were soaking wet, and the top
hit the tile floor with a "splat".

henry answered respectfully and moved quickly to help slut kneel down onto the
carpet covered base, straddling the dowel. He fastened the straps around her
ankles and just behind her knees, and raised the dowel up just a bit until it
came into contact with her cunt. Miss Karen directed him to where he could find
a pair of handcuffs, and had him cuff slut's wrists together behind her back,
with the short chain connecting them passing beneath the dowel. This caused her
back to arch nicely. He then, at Miss Karen's direction, turned the pig toward
the slut so that it could watch and learn.

slut felt the hard, prickly hair of the rabbit skin between her legs and
considered that this was likely to be some sort of terrible game. She was
deathly afraid of anything that might be worse, though, like the plight of the
girl in the yard, who was fading fast by then. She avoided looking around at
all, simply focusing on the floor immediately in front of her. It was all a
test of some kind. A test that she hoped to pass.

"Now, slut, the object of this game is for the bitch mounted on the humping bar
to slide her cunt back and forth over the bunny skin without stopping, for an
indefinite period of time. You obviously are going to cum and that's okay. If
you stop for even a second you will pay dearly. Do you understand?"

Oh, God!, slut thought. "Yes, Miss Karen.", she answered breathlessly.


Tawny took another sip of her scotch. What a naughty display the slut was
putting on! She was certainly one of the more enticing creatures Tawny had
seen. Her natural sexuality seemed to flow out of her pores as freely as her
sweat had when she danced in the hot sun. Tawny looked forward to trying her,
but for the moment was content to sip her scotch and watch. Lizbeth was looking
more and more like a mannequin on a stick out there. While Tawny was a bit
concerned about her, she was confident Karen knew when the appropriate time to
end the lesson would arrive.

Slut pushed her hips forward, wincing as the dry, matted rabbit fur sc****d and
pricked at her sopping cunt. She found she could move her hips only about four
or five inches forward and back at a time, secured as she was. She bit her
lower lip to work through the discomfort of forcing her sex over the rough skin,
and found that she could slow down her forward movement and arch her back a bit
more to bring her clit into contact with it. With the first contact it almost
seemed that the experienced turned from an unpleasant one to something that
showed a bit of promise. Slut concentrated on minimizing hard contact with the
skin except for the slower forward rotation of her hips, and soon found that her
own juices were softening the fur with every passing minute. It also seemed to
release the pungent odor of cunts that permeated the room even more than when
she first entered it. Closing her eyes, she imagined herself between Miss
Karen's legs, finally tasting her, serving her...worshiping her pretty pussy.
Maybe...henry...could be fucking her in her ass at the same time....maybe...

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