Chapter XI

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Chapter XI. Megan

Karen made her way at a leisurely pace down Interstate 95 to I-4 and the Florida
Turnpike. She didn't particularly enjoy driving, but her Jaguar tended to make
it a pleasurable experience. After about three hours, she found the appropriate
exit and made her way to the Cool Harbor Motel. It was a dump with a rusty sign
and cracked plate glass in the lobby windows.

Armed with the image of Megan's driver's license photograph in her mind, she
parked the car in the motel lot and strolled to the pool area. She preferred to
have a look at Megan before approaching her. It was always best to have the
first opportunity to size someone up. With a broken down car, there wouln't be
too many places she could hang out. Not at the Cool Harbor, anyway. It would
be the room or the pool. She wouldn't be expecting anyone other than her
s****r, but it wouldn't be in the slut's character to drive to Kissemmee without
calling first.

There were only stray cats poolside. Karen looked at her watch. School would
have been out about a half hour ago, so she might still be in the room waiting
for a call from her big s****r. Karen stretched a bit and took a few seconds to
align her thoughts before searching out Megan's room.

Megan heard light knocking on the door, just as she was finishing her third
joint of the day. It couldn't be her s****r. She wouldn't have come without
calling to get highly detailed directions. Megan had been dreading the call
because she knew she couldn't give Carol minute directions. She hadn't been
able to find a motel room in Orlando and had kept moving until she happened upon
the Cool Harbor. She had no idea how she had gotten there. She had left the
bathroom exhaust fan on, but tried fanning some of the smoke toward it with a
damp pillow after throwing the roach in the toilet and flushing it.

Looking through the door viewer, she saw a pretty older woman with long blonde
hair and bright blue eyes. What was up with that? Brushing her hair back over
her shoulders and straightening her tank top, she inhaled deeply and pulled the
door open a crack. "Megan?", the lady asked pleasantly.

"Uh. Yeah?", Megan replied, sounding more wasted than she intended to.

"Hi! I'm glad I found you! I'm Karen, Carol's new neighbor?"

"Oh...uh. Yeah. Okay." Megan pulled the door open wider. "C'mon in." She
gestured halfheartedly toward the interior of the room.

Karen managed to keep her facial expression fixed as she stepped into the room
and was hit by a wall of marijuana smoke. Little s****r was no goody-two shoes,
was she?

"Are you okay? Carol said something about your car being broken down?"

The lady...what was her name? She looked good. She was nice. "Uh. Yeah. I'm
okay. It just...won't start. It's dead.", Megan answered sullenly.

Dead. Like your brain cells, Karen thought. The room was nasty, but Megan
appeared natural in it. She was not out of place. It was a room made for
eighteen year old girls with too many rings in their ears to count, a tongue
stud, nice floral tatoos on each arm, and a penchant for smoking too much pot.
She was attractive, though. In a pseudo butch lesbian kind of way. Her hair
was short, dyed as black as boot polish (which Karen much preferred to blue or
purple) and highlighted with a bit of glitter that hadn't washed out from a long
night of fruitless cruising for a sugar mama. Karen could see that in a f****y
setting Megan would stand out as the one who was adopted. She bore no
resemblance to Carol or her mother, whose picture Karen had seen in the dossier.
She was certainly not talkative. At least not yet.

"Well, I'm sure we can figure something out. Carol had an...engagement and
couldn't make it. So...I decided to come down and see what I could do for
you.", Karen smiled sincerely. She knew it looked that way, at least. "You're
lucky she called home to check her messages today.", Karen added.

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