Chapter 20

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Connor and Ezio were killing the guards but one of the guards tried to attack Altair, and of course Altair knew so he quickly kill him. On the other hand, you were ready to knocked Altair down...


Your POV

" Noo!! " i yelled out and suddenly all turned black.

I saw what was going to happen, there's no way im going to kill Altair.

Normal POV

You screamed, and fell on your knees before you could hit Altair.
Your black eyes started flickering and turned back your normal (e/c) eyes only this time, it filled with rage. 

As you regained your own soul back, you stood up gripping on your sword. You rushed up and kill all the guards with inhuman speed. While the masters assassins only stood there, shocked to saw what was happening in front of them.

" No! How could this possible?! "
Daniel screeched out.

Hearing his voice made you snarled at him, Daniel who was shocked and afraid of you now. He tried to to control you again, but only caused you to cringe.

" You shouldn't have done that.."
(reminding you on something? anyone? no? okay.. ._.) In a flash, your sword was impaled into hus chest. He coughed up blood as you took the compass out of your hand.

" I'll be taking that, please. "

His corpse slumped down to the ground, you turned your head to the side to saw Thiffany shaking in fear. You walked to her and knocked her out. Then you started to think in your mind.

' Minerva, please take her back to our time and erase her memory about what had happened here. '

You heard a voice in your head,
' Of course, child. Until we meet again..' with that it vanished and so does Thiffany.

All in sudden, you felt your body started to aching everywhere.

" (y/n)!!!! " a yell shouted out and out of nowhere you were squeezed by a hug. It was no other than Ezio.
The others came up to you with a bright smile their face.

" Are you alright? " the syrian assassin asked. You nodded,
" yeah just a little bit tired. "

"Oh (y/n)! i thought- i mean we thought we're going to lose you for sure! " Ezio squealed as he hugged you tight making you hard to breath.
" Ezio.. i need.. air.. "
Connor facepalmed and told ezio to let you go. Seeing this made Altair chuckled.

Then all of the assassins helped you up and you all went back to Hideout safe and sound.


Jk jk jk xD
i still want to continue tho Lol. oh well thats it for this chapter Hope you all enjoy it! I know this is short but well this is the update!
Big thanks for you all who vote my story Cx!
anyway. Keep on with me guys
Until then...

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