11 - Tomb of The Undead

Start from the beginning


Kendall checked the books in mythology section at the local library she regularly visits. She chose a few random ones and sat down on her usual seat.

After going through the context, she opted to read supernatural creatures section of each. Every biblical or supernatural creature had a whole chapter written in the largest book she'd picked. Kendall assumed it would be more efficient if she only read them instead of the whole text.

The list of creatures in the first of the 11th season read:

A. Angels
B. Demons
C. Spirits
D. Vampires
E. Werewolves
F. Witches
G. Shifters

Kendall bit the end of her pen. And began reading.
Page 362. Angels


"Nice try cousin but I ain't no kid."  Brandon chuckled. "The Undead can't escape."

When Cara was silent, hr glanced at her after marking his book.

"Seriously?" He stood up immediately. Cara nodded her head.

She had just walked in and mentioned an undead had fled and that they needed to go explore.

"Do we have to go like, now?" He questioned again.

"Yes we do! We need to figure some things out." Cara explained. "Just be ready in five." She walked back into Selena's room where Selena , Lilly and Zack were.

"You guys all set?" They were spread all over the room searching for possible requirements.

"Almost." Zack walked toward Cara with a knife in his hand.

"I don't think you'll need that. We're going to explore the.." Cara began but was interrupted.

"Precaution, Cara dear." He pretended to have a voice of an elder.

"Whatever you say. I'm gonna go now." Cara replied.

"Don't take too long." She rolled her eyes and walked downstairs to wait by her car.


D. Vampires

Kendall read.

Vampires are supernatural dead beings. Their only hope for survival is consuming blood. Most common indications of vampire bloodlines are:

1. Paleness of the skin
2. Extreme physical strength
3. Inability to fall asleep
4. Extreme speed
5. Colored eyes when angry or hungered
6. Extreme allergic reaction after consuming any substance other than blood
7. Coldness of body

Vampires belong to one of the three following bloodlines.
A. Dark Ones
B. Bright Ones
C. The Undead

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