Brian Johnson -heart Failture-

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My story started when I was having dinner at home. I live by myself with my 2 cats and one evening when I was having dinner all alone, I then suddenly started to feel very light headed, dizzy and short of breath, so I decided to try and make it to my bedroom so I could lay down and hope it would subside, but I never made it to the bedroom, as I passed out on the way, and unbeknownst to me I was suffering from a heart problem which I did not know I had.

Well there was a dresser in my spare bedroom which had no dresser drawers in it and I had collapsed and fell inside of the empty dresser. Now suddenly at this time I could see myself laying inside of the dresser and for some reason I was way up in the corner of my spare bedroom and it seemed like I was about 50 to 75 feet up in the air, and could see that I was all curled up in a ball (fetal position) inside this empty dresser and I could see one of my cats who\'s name is Compass walking up to me and lying down next to me.

Suddenly, I could see this tunnel or whatever it was, and the sides of this tunnel thing looked like a blinding bright corrugated metal, and a kind of very bright bluish/white pulsating light, and this light was like a strobe light on high power, but this light was about a 100 times faster than a strobe light, it was pulsating so fast that it was almost a steady light. Next, I could hear people were calling my name, when I found myself traveling to a place that was beyond my comprehension, also I was no longer feeling the pain that I was feeling before this wonderful experience started.

At this place there was a very strange and powerful feeling of love towards me, unlike any feelings of love I have ever felt before, and I knew that somebody or something was guiding me through this very strange but very loving journey and this person or thing also loved me very much and it felt like this energy was hugging me very tight, even though I could not tell who or what it was.

Then in a split second there were people surrounding me and they were people whom I had never seen before but for some reason I knew that these people were long time past away family members whom I had never known, seen or met before in my life, and that they had died way long before I was even born, but I knew that all of these people were there just for me and I could feel all this love from these people like no other love that I had ever felt before and I did not want to leave this place.

While I was in this place, I was totally pain free and surrounded by strange people who loved me so very much. Then, I could hear this lady's voice keep saying,

"Brian get up, You have to get up Brian, Brian get up."

Her voice got louder and louder every time she said it, I really wanted to stay, but they would not let me as they said I still have important things in my life that I have to do, so I agreed to go.

When suddenly, I woke up gasping for air and laying inside this empty dresser were I had seen myself lying before, and I was also laying in a big pool of sweat and blood from the scrapes and gouges in my back from when I fell inside the empty dresser and my cat Compass was laying next to me just like I had watched him do earlier.

When I awoke there was no lady there, like I said I live alone. About two days later I went to see my doctor who had confirmed my heart problem. All I know is that I can\'t wait to go back to that place, and someday many years from now,,, \"I will...We all will\" :)

Thank-You Sincerely, ~Brian~ White Bear Lake, Minnesota


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