Part 3

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He moved towards me, backing me up against the counter. "So I don't scare you?"

"I don't know that you've ever scared me." I said honestly. "You have this edge... you might intimidate me but you've never scared me. Not really."

His lips quirked slightly. "Not really...?" He arched one of those perfect eyebrows at me.

I smiled up at him. "Not really, Mr. Blackbourne." My smile turned into a smirk when I saw the slightest of shudders run through him. "Do I scare you?" I asked, eyes locked on his.

His lips twisted as though unsure of whether they should be smiling, smirking or grimacing. He put his arms down and his hands found my waist before he boosted me up onto the counter so that we could be eye to eye. "No, Miss Sorenson. You don't scare me." He finally said. "I must admit to being nervous." He said apologetically.

"Don't be nervous!" I frowned, reaching out and gently trailing my fingers down his cheek. He closed his eyes at my touch and refused to look at me. "Mr. Blackbourne...?" I questioned softly, my fingers stilling as I caressed his cheek but shifted them to where my palm was resting on his cheek. He finally looked at me. "Why?"

He huffed a soft sigh before blinking and his eyes bored deeply into mine. "I have not felt like this about anyone before and I worry that I don't meet expectations." At my confused look he shrugged one slim shoulder. "I am nervous that I won't compare to my brothers."

At his confession, my own nerves and conflicted feelings melted away like shampoo lather running down the drain. "Oh Mr. Blackbourne." I said softly, reaching up and putting my other hand on his face, framing his face to where he had no choice but to meet my eyes. "I'm so into you..." I admitted, feeling my eyes well up with emotional tears. "You don't compare to anyone. None of you do really but you... you set the bar."

Well, don't be nervous, I'm so into you

Yes I am babe

Is this is something?

Am I just a fool?

His eyes crinkled with a smile. Not just a millimeter shift of the corners of his lips but a full on smile.

The way his face lit up and his eyes brightened made my breath catch in my throat. "Oh my..." I murmured softly.

"I set the bar?" He asked, his face suddenly sharing as much enthusiasm as I normally saw on Sean, Luke or Gabriel's face. "Interesting."

"Interesting." I mimicked before smiling at him. "I think it's the power..."

He looked confused for a moment. "Power?"

I nodded. "Yes. You exude this ..." I made a face trying to think of the words and pulled my hands off his face to shake them out slightly. "Power." I said again. "It's a perfection that makes me not want to earn your disproval. I want to please you and it's just... the power is so attractive." He looked smug at that. "But it makes me also wonder what it would be like for you to loosen up slightly. Not just on holidays when we're surrounded by kids and people and playing football."

"Ah... so that's one of the only times you'd say I wasn't commanding?"

"I guess. I don't really go with the commanding thing for you though. Command is Kota's secret power." I said. "There's something about all of you that only one of you possess." I explained. "But you. Yes... it's a power thing coming from you." I tilted my head slightly, my eyes dropping to his lips. "It's probably the power suit and tie..." I said in a whisper.

He chuckled. "I'll have to keep that in mind." He said, studying me for a long moment until I squirmed in my seat on the counter. "So, Miss Sorenson... what if I want to kiss you tomorrow?"

What if I,

I wanna kiss you tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, hey

What if I ...Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu