"Ohh really babe this is your movie?" he questioned me. I nodded.

"See it is her movie now shut up its starting." Anaiyah said. and Malcolm nodded and  everyone started watching the movie.

About 25 minutes into the movie Anaiyah got up and I thought she was walking out but no she walked down the aisle where I was sitting I got off of Malcolm and sat in the seat up straight.

She had tears in her eyes and held her phone in her hand. I got up and hugged her.

"Whats wrong" I asked her as she sobbed into my areopostale sweater. She held up her phone and I took it.

It was Jake's twitter page.

"The next chick always better that the last right!" and it was a picture of his new girl and him kissing.

that's what made her cry! He's a complete jerk!

Anaiyah kept crying and I looked over to Malcolm and he didn't know what to do.

I took a look back at Anaiyah and then led her out of the room.

She kept crying.

"Can we go I want to go home" Anaiyah  said through her sobs.

I nodded and walked her down the stairs.

She let go of me and walked to the kitchen as Malcolm came up behind me.

"Babe" he said as I looked at him I was sad it hurt me seeing her like this.

" Hey she wants to go home." I said as I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Why did the boys say some thing did I say something." he said as if it was his fault

I shook my head." No babe her exboyfriend attacked her on twitter and pulled a low blow." I said as I looked up to him I felt like crying it hurt me so much to see my baby sad she was my baby! I hated seeing her like this.

"Want me to drive you home." he said

"No its ok I brought my car babe." I said Anaiyah came back into the room.

"Hey you ready to go?" I asked as she nodded I took Malcolms hand and walked to the front door.

"Hey mind if I tag along to your place?" Malcolm said.

"No babe wanna go grab clothes." I said as he nodded pecked my lips and went upstairs.

I walked outside. and Found Anaiyah looking at her phone standing by the car I walked over and hugged her from behind.

"So Malcolm loves you and you him?" She said as I seen her smile.

"You heard" I asked I wouldn't talk about this to her. but it would make her feel better.

"Yup and since your the best sister ever do you think Devin can stay the night at your house. Please just as friends" that took me back she just met him.

"um only if you promise not to look or cry for jake anymore." I said if this makes her happy then I'm willing to do it.

She nodded and squealed. I laughed.

"And you have to go get him." she said and I looked at her like she was crazy!

"ok just this once." I said as I turned around and found Malcolm standing there. with a Jordan duffle bag.

"Hey you can say no to this but I was getting my clothes and Devin came into my room and he I guess likes Anaiyah and wants to tag along but ou can say no if u want babe." he said and I laughed these kids.

My Life. My Way. My Mac MillerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon