Chapter Five

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Hey guys!! LupitaV here Iitterly have no time to update and I am so sorry!! This one is going to be a little short and I'm sorry but I've been packing and a lot of don't know this but I am in a current recovery of some small down faults I see in my self but I will get over them but I was busy I spent a lot of time at the gym and at therapist office so I don't have time and on top of that FAMILY VACATION!!!!! Whoooppp whoooopppp yayyy beachtime okay but here's the small update.

After working until 9:30 p.m. I finally got off I managed to avoid talking to Malcolm throughout most of the night but, I still seem him and he threw me a couple of looks that made me blush.

It was currently, 9:36 p.m., I get off of work in 10 minutes, I walked around and just smiled and made small talk to people. I went into the lounge and took a seat on the couch. I looked around and tried the past 10 minutes without talking to anyone I wanted to get out of here all these celebs were drunk and wanted in with us Promos.

I kept looking around the very nice ball room that was now dark and sweaty. I caught something that made my jaw drop. In the corner of the ball stood Malcolm sucking faces with some girl in a small highlighter pink dress. I couldn't tell anyone what I was felling right now I felt like I was jealous and Aria Deleasa does not get jealous I was beyond pissed.

Just last night he was telling me that I was different that he even wanted to be my boyfriend and now he was practically swallowing that girl. I don't know why I even got pissed off he's not my boyfriend.

I must have lost track of time on how long I have been watching them because Miranda, the lovely promo girl I was working with came up to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Hey babe lets go say bye to drake and then lets get going." she said and I just nodded trying to pull my self together. No way in hell was I going to let anyone see me get mad or jealous over a man let alone someone I barley knew.

We walked towards Drake that was near the stage and I walked over to him and said "Hey Drake me and Miranda have to get going are time here is done thank you so much for having us"

"ohhh Ok thank you guys so much stuff really got out there and I just wanted to thank you for that and I made sure to give you guys a very big tip. but just wait here for a minute." with that he left us and leaped on stage whispered something in DJ's ear and started talking into the mic.

"hey guys hows it going" the room burst out in chees and whops. " Well I just wanted to give a very special to the promo girls Aria and Miranda and just wanted to say thank you very much." and with that he lept of stage as the room burst into applause and me and Miranda just walked out of the room waving good bye to every one.

We walked out front and waited for valet to bring our cars Miranda's car was brought first and we said good bye . As I waited for my silver beamer usv to be brought to me Malcolm came and tried to come and talk to me.

"Hey sexy, are you leaving now?" he said as if nothing happened

"Yeah I am." I said bitterly and cold.

"whats wrong what did I do?" he said laughing as if he did nothing so I thought I should go along.

I walked towards him and placed my arms around his neck and kissed his temple of his right ear and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Babe this is what you did you almost swallowed that girl in the pink dress and I don't like sharing so I don't share!!" I whispered in his ear and walked away to my car that was now there I got in and thanked the valet guy.

I plugged my phone into the aux and played I'm Single by Lil Wayne rolled all my windows down and looked at Malcolm and he just stood there with a smirk on his face, I winked at him then took off.

About 3 blocks later I was at a red light and my phone vibrated loudly


I lyk when my girls are sassy lyk uu! Don't share me keep me! I didn't mean to kiss her! Meet u at my house n 45m get there.

I smiled at the text I couldn't stat mad at him he was to perfect and cute and plus we aren't dating were just having fun!!


There you go your welcome I really like the ending. and I hope you do to.. so um yeah im sorry I am really busy  but hey here you go this is for u!!!! so please go like vote and comment then share it!!!! This will get much much better!!!

If you want to go see some pictures about this story and the characters go follow me on twitter!!! @MacMillerNAria  

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