Live Through This

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Damon and I were up early in the morning, walking into Caroline and Bonnie's dorm room with coffee ready.

Caroline and Stefan were lying in bed underneath the covers.

"Good morning, lovebirds," Damon told them.

Caroline and Stefan both covered up with the blanket.

I looked at them sheepishly. "Sorry. I so did not know that you were in the middle of something."

"That's why it's called knocking," Stefan told me.

I looked at them innocently, pointing at Damon. "I told him to knock, but you know he just likes to barge in uninvited."

Damon smirked.

Caroline looked at me in shock. "Nicola!"

I smiled a small, awkward smile, tilting my head. "Yes, I'm back. Hi, Caroline. I brought you some free-range, overpriced coffee. One cream, two sugars, just like you like it." I picked up the coffee, handing it to her. "There you go, Caroline."

Caroline took the coffee, propping herself up on one elbow, keeping herself covered. She stood, wrapping her blanket around her body modestly.

Stefan covered himself up with the sheet.

Caroline walked past us, into the bathroom to change into some clothes.

Stefan looked at Damon and me. "Is there any particular reason as to why you are barging into my girlfriend's dorm room at the crack of mid-morning?"

Damon picked up Stefan's discarded T-shirt, tossing it at him.

Stefan started to get dressed.

Damon chuckled. "Why such a Grumpy Gus? I thought you'd want to celebrate today. I finally got Elena tucked away safely. You're snuggled with Caroline in this tragically tiny bed. Nikki is here to fight the good fight with us, while maintaining a relationship with Tyler Lockwolf. And Ric? Ric saved his lady from the great beyond. Everything is coming up Salvatore, so much so that I have decided to turn over a new leaf."

Stefan rolled his eyes. "Oh, good."

"Yeah," Damon told us. "I am gonna be the man that does right by Elena, all on my own, by keeping her in my heart instead of keeping her underfoot."

I nodded. "That's interesting."

"I'm gonna need a little help with the dirty work, so rise and shine," Damon told us. "We are going to interrogate a tall, beautiful Heretic with a terrible attitude."

Caroline walked out of the bathroom, completely clothed, looking at us suspiciously. "Valerie?"

Damon nodded. "Rings a bell." Stefan and Caroline exchanged a tense look. Damon looked between them tauntingly. "Hmm. Am I missing something here? Oh, that's right. Stefan and Valerie are old flames from way back, and they haven't had a face-to-face since she came tumbling out of that prison world. Valerie as in V-card Valerie. 'Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am' broke your heart and, uh..." 

Stefan closed his eyes in embarrassment, not wanting this to be a topic of discussion. 

I hit Damon in the chest. "All right, you know what? Never mind."

Caroline gave us a look, cheerfully making her suggestion. "No, you know what? I think this would be the perfect opportunity for you two to catch up. Unless there's a reason it would be uncomfortable for you..."

Stefan looked at Caroline warily. "No."

"Great," Caroline told him. "Have fun."

Caroline walked toward the door.

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