chapter 11

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Paul POV

Why was there in between everything that my baby was doing okay I'm back at the house because for some reason she didn't seem too bad this morning like she was burning up and everything and not burning up as if she had the flu burning up but as she was getting ready praise I don't know maybe it's all because of the fact that I am imprinted on her after all her father does have the ability to shift

And if she is going to become one I'll be by her side to make sure she knows how to shift back and everything I'm just really worried about her because she has never felt that way before

As soon as I was finishing on patrol the next thing I knew I was heading back to the house when I got there they could tell that she had two blankets and everything you've done for her she was sweating and next thing I knew she look like she got taller I got a feeling that that's exactly what's going on there

Paul baby sweating more

Bella yeah I don't know why I guess you could have because the fact that you can print it on me maybe because my father is a shift or two that I could probably I'll be getting ready for that could be DNA now for all I know

Paul could be I'm going to have to tell Sam and everybody else about this just be on the safe side

Bella I think that would be a really good idea and I don't know why I'm feeling this way all of a sudden it's like I can't seem to hold it and I have a feeling that I'm going to burst

Paul baby I think you should go outside I've got a feeling that you're going to praise into a wolf any minute I'll be there to help you praise back and stuff but you're going to have to trust me on this I could tell by the way your feeling I know the signs

Bella okay this is seems like it's going to be kind of scary because this is never happened to me before but I understand now because I know that my father and do it so I know I have tires that rhyme with a one of understood that if I didn't know my father was once imprinted on himself

Paul no matter what I'm going to be here for you I love you come on let's get you out there and see what I can do to calm you down when you transform I'm going to have to call the rest of the pack and tell him because this is something that you're going to need all of us around to help you through

Just after she went outside to get ready because I had a feeling this could happen any minute my phone Sam him and told him everything he said him in the back with you here in a minute

Sam. Hey man I'm here I just got back from out of town and trust me Charlie is fine he's doing a conference and everything is you back in a couple of days well she does look like she's ready to transform any minute the rest of the pack is on the way will make sure everything goes smoothly for you when you do Bella

Bella thanks cuz this is something that I'm totally afraid enough no offense but is just as cool when I see you guys do it and everything but it's probably going to be strange when I have to do it myself you know what I mean for the first time it's kind of scary not knowing what happens when you transform your praise

Leah I totally understand where you're coming from I felt the exact same way when it happened to me that I didn't even know to expect at least you know what to expect because people are warning you about it I had no warning whatsoever anyway I'm going to be right here with you when you praise I'll praise with you right away so you'll feel comfortable that you'll have a female by your side to this because sometimes you need to have that girl connection when your female going through this the guys I'll have to talk to you and everything but they don't know how female feels

Bella thanks really appreciate that

And the next thing we do that soon as my baby had said that she transformed into the wall never thought I'd see but I gotta say she's a beautiful wolf she's like a female version of Jacob

Paul feels kind of strange for you at the first when you first sprays but we're all here if you need us

Bella I'm definitely not used to standing on all four legs like this and everything

Paul just take your time put one stop and buy the other okay baby and later on you're going to call your father and tell him that you're able to turn wolf now this is so strange

Bella well hopefully I'll be able to walk normal on that in a minute cuz I got to get used to some clumsy no matter what I hope this improves my balance

Paul just know I love you clumsy or not come on let's hurry and get you to praise back just relax and think about somebody that makes you happy

After praise back we asked her what she thought of

Sam what did you think of

Bella I thought how much I love Paul

Paul love to babe

Bella but you guys won't have to ask me what my thoughts are because you can read each other's thoughts and looks warm and stuff like that

Paul who said how we don't but when you're thinking about something to turn back human you can't hear it

Bella okay now I kind of got it let's just get inside because this is just too weird no offense I'm going to get used to it it's just after your first time pretty soon it's just something you don't really expect it catches me off-guard

Paul got a baby now I think you need to get some rest because that took a lot out of you

Bella your right

If I knew she was going to go take a nap I got a feeling that she is going to get used to it and God thank God I have my baby I love her so much and the fact that she can change into a wolf too means that there's no way all these are because we will never end until we stop praising

Bella And Paul Imprinted LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora