chapter 13

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Paul POV

As I was on patrol with my beautiful woman and I couldn't believe it that she is now with just like me she's been this way for a few days now but she does a great job she fits right in with the pack and I love her to death funny thing is though we can always pick up on each other's thoughts when we're on our wolf forms

So I love it every now and then when she thinks to me that she loves me and stuff so I know that she's OK and everything and you do the same because sometimes we go in different directions to make sure everything is ok when you're on patrol

Bella I think I just picked up the scent of the Victoria or maybe another Leach

Paul where are you so I can be close by in case something happens baby

Bella not too far from the border

Paul I'm on my way

Bella yep I'm definitely picking up the scent a bloodsucker

Paul howl to warm the rest of the pack and the reason why I'm telling you they do that is because you are the one who picked up the smell of it

Bella yeah I think you're right

With that my baby Howl

And we can I feel Sam praising

Sam okay what are you guys got

Bella i got a blood sucker not too far from where I am to far where I am to

Sam alright sure you're not too far from you we're closing in on your position

Bella will do but you better hurry cuz I gotta feeling that they're ready to jump my way and if I'm not careful they might attack me so I better be prepared because I'm not about to let them come at me and I'll defend myself

Sam that's fine don't fight them that you have to we're almost there try to wait a little and let us know if you're picking up too much can you tell this one the Cullens or if not

Bella it's definitely not one of them possibility could be victorious though but then again it could be others as well because there's a few things so I'm not quite picking up on but I do know for a fact that leeches

Sam okay we're almost there

Paul actually I'm already here with her so I got her back again everything happens

Sam good over there in a matter of minutes

Bella yep it's definitely more than one I'm picking up a stronger smell coming this way

Just then and I know where Victoria lunged at Bella

Paul Sam you need to hurry up and get here because it's Victoria and she's really trying to get Bella but she doesn't know what's going on yet

Sam we're almost there and you said there's more than one you better be prepared to help Bella when we get there

Paul I'm already helping her I kind of got a few then getting off of her he just better hurry up and get here cuz I don't think my baby can hang in there much longer

Sam it's okay cuz we're here now

Bella damn she's f****** fast

Soon as well have said that just out of nowhere came this other werewolf one that we've never seen before we could tell that it was female LOL send she gets there to his arm off Victoria ran

Sam okay by the looks of it you or anyone and who are you and how did you just praise

Kat it's me Kat I think I end up raising a couple days ahead of time when I heard about it was in trouble and just Praise really quickly and came as fast as I could I had no control over it

Seth okay you're going to have to come down baby so we can get you to come back to your normal self because I don't think you're going to have to pay it back yet

Kat this is so crazy never wanted baby I don't know what to do

Seth first of all there's still some leeches are in way better deal with them first then I'll help you try to get her to pay you back the rest of us will help too but right now we're going to focus on getting these vampires

Paul Seth right

Just as soon as I said that I don't know where a couple of newborn and vampires jumped for me right away I thought I was going to be lunch but thankfully Bella took them down pretty quick

Bella nobody's going to f*** with my man

Sam note to self no he messes with Paul so he could stand to lose a good side lol

Jake you think better stay on her good side

Leah yeah now I'm not doing a badass female and this hair pack you got a couple of us to deal with anything like that happens so you better learn to stay on the are good sides

Kat good now that we took care of them can somebody figure out how to show me to praise back cuz I'm not so used to being a wife by the way I never really had a chance to see what color I am what color am I

Seth you're a little bit of a cross between Leah and myself and you have a little hint of quills color and you as well

Kat so you're telling me I'm great with brown couch anyway how do I somehow praise back

Bella clam down cousin think about something that makes you happy it will help you praise back to your human self

Kat okay then

Seth what did you think about baby to turn back to Human

Kat kind of and how much I love you

Seth love you too

Sam all right now looks like to hear going to have to learn the ways of the pack and everything in that because as of now we're you praised your video Patrol and everything like everybody else

It's just me but I think the pack is going to be getting bigger and bigger I couldn't believe it they're my babies causing his new wolf just like the rest of us I know one thing's for sure though even though that the Cullens are still friends to us there are still more and more vampires coming around but why I got a feeling that we're going to have to be more careful about this and I'm wondering Edward is OK considering he was tracking down Victoria I know one thing's for sure I'm definitely going to make sure the Bellas safe

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