chapter 4

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Bella POV

I was really happy to go down to la push then I get to see my Paul when we got down there he pulled me into a hug and everything and said hi to my father the me I left inside of my father displaying his story

Paul guys Bella and Charlie are here Charlie's going to tell us the story of why he knows everything stuff cuz you said his family knows more than me know about him because he wants to tell us something and he said Billy here knows everything

Billy just like I said just so you know the reasons of going on here is Charlie was imprinted on by a wolf when he was younger his aunt was married into our tribe and when he would come down to visit and everything he got imprinted on if something happened to his beautiful wolf she got killed saving Charlie Charlie almost died need because of something that happened the Cullen's were coming and we didn't know what to do but dr. Cullen said he could help but he didn't want to do anything to break the treaty

Charlie so as result of this the tribe gave him permission to do what he had to do he said with their permission he can wait me to save me but not bite me to turn you to a vampire totally probably just enough so the wound and stop so I'm technically still human but because of the bite I can live forever and because of the bite I gained a gift time of need to be able to shift like the rest of you down here that's only if I have to

Bella wow so you're telling me that they will never ever get old that you're gonna live your life right through everything and nobody's going to know for sure what's going on and you are still human immortal because of Carlisle saving you

Charlie yes I thought it was good way of doing that and wolves that it was a good way to because least this way I'm not a vampire and monster and I could survive its very rare though that they can bite someone without turning them but it was just the way that my neck was and there was a certain area there that he was able to do it so with luck that's what happens and then the Cullens came great friends along with the wolves here but sometimes we get a bit iffy about Edward and even his own cousin is starting to get a bit iffy about him sometimes he has trouble trying to figure out what to do with his first this is why he won't really want to be with anyone and this is why he thought I should leave you because he didn't want to hurt you but he did hurt you and now you have moved on with one of the pack here you moved on with Paul because he imprinted on you and me and Carlisle talked about this if something happens when they left and one of the wolves in print it on you that he would make sure ever backed off and let you be if he ever try to come back if they do come back because they want to come back before it's not for you will still be friends with you but he will see that ever tries not to do anything to you and try to get you back because you might not want to let go but he will do everything in his power to keep them that way so you can be happy and so the other Cullen s of the same thing

Bella okay I'm really okay but thanks to tell you the truth I miss the other one so much because I knew they wouldn't do nothing to me is just he starts at strange know if its thing in that the only reason why at my birthday party Jasper went towards me was cuz he's normal human blood when I had a paper cut and he wasn't used to it because he found at the hardest he's only been eating animal blood not that long so I understood that I mean anyone have a relapse but he stopped himself which was good but the help of Carlisle and Edward understand human to leave because of that so you won't hurt me

Paul what's a good thing he was able to himself under control but sometimes that can happen well that's what to you sometime snapping lose control as well so that's something we can't fault him for that just know that we're here when you need us for everything and now that we understand that you are human tell me but you have to do you shape shift in your going to be living forever that's kind of cool

Charlie yes it is and you should know Kat that your mother has the same abilities because she was there when I got attacked and she got to talk to you so she's just like I am

Kat you're telling me uncle Charlie that behind the daughter of someone that can turn into a wolf and was sold the same as you were and now I'm imprinted to a wolf well I will keep this secret because I know nobody in the real world I understand supernatural about this is kind of crazy but I could tell you one good thing about this I'm definitely enjoying it because if I didn't I don't think I would ever found Seth here

Seth will you are going to have me WI die baby cuz that's how strong imprint is baby

Kat good so I guess away this makes us all with girls

Leah you can definitely say that in a way and makes us all with girls but on a wolf for real my case me my imprint which is Jacob here imprinted on each other well that was really cool and everything but I don't take over what happened between me and Sam with Emily and now I have Jake I can feel free to know what love really is so he does like we're all one big happy wolf family you girls are just came into because who you had imprinted with

Bella why was just hold everything seems legit because I love the fact that we're here and everything and never game of great stuff but I'm praying and hoping the Victoria don't come back trying to getting of her you know that stories of crazy vampire that so after everybody so we need to keep it that we say things and away from her that's why I kind of freaked out sometimes when I go home to the house with nobody with me other than you I trust you and everything is the supernatural but now that I know that you could turn into a wolf yourself I feel much much safer so no wonder I felt more drawn to living with you than I did when I was living home with mom at first I didn't really want to come to work but now I know why I had to come to Forks because everything happens for a reason so my reason to come here was to find my true love which ends up to be a wolf I wouldn't trade any he's really hot looking one kisses Paul

Paul kiss back

Charlie well where I understand the imprint and everything should be I'm thinking about moving my house down here to the push living here on the reservation just driving forks for work because everything should be where are you can be close by never have to deal with your loss that person so yeah they were going to move down here so that I can bella closer to you Paul. And Kat to Seth

Kat okay but I really wish I understood what was going on with my mother and why I was Center in step no offense to anybody I just want to really know what's going on with my mother because I have no clue what's really up with her she just told me she was ill and then she sent me here

Charlie I know I told you that she is she is but where she still mostly human she's very very old just getting to the point where she's going to have to be put into a care home she can't do anything for herself no more and she didn't want to put all that on you Kat and you're still too young to be living on your own will you finish high school or anything so she's going to be better to send you out here so you can have family there for you so you wouldn't feel like you've been abandoned and she knew that I could be here for you forever because I'm the same way she is because she also had a feeling that you are to be destined to be imprinted on and she was definitely right because you now have to Seth

I can believe everything that I was hearing and stuff and my mind I was picking thank God I'm moving to the push so I can see my baby everyday this is going to be great and now that I know my father's secret I just hope my mother don't have to find that out because he never told her because he thought that she would never understand and we had a feeling that wasn't going to work out between the two of them that he was just trying to make it work for you loved me but I guess the love wasn't strong maybe because he lost his real love when he was imprinted on you only have one true love and when you lost his imprint I guess you never felt like he'd be whole again that's so sad but he still the man that I love with my dad and thank God I can count on him

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