What Really Happened

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Mikasa's P.O.V

A few hours before the Expedition

I can only think of Eren's safety. People say that I'm too attached to him, that's not true though. He's the only family I have left, and I refuse to let him die. I don't care how many times he complains to me about it, I will always protect him, even if I end up dying in the process. After all, it was his Mother's dying wish.   

"Mikasa! You seriously need to back off and stop treating me like a baby. GUESS WHAT?! I'M NOT! I can take care of myself. I don't need you protecting me, I know what to do, I KNOW WHAT'S OUT THERE!" Eren screamed. I'm only looking out for him, he just needs to realize that. She grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the Mess Hall, he needed to calm down and realize that there are people that care for him, even if he doesn't care for himself.

He tried to resist my grip on his wrist, but he couldn't manage. I was always stronger than him, but his willpower will always be stronger than anyone else's.

I dragged him to a tree behind the stables. Everytime he gave out to me, I would always back down and apologize first, not this time."Mikasa, why did you-" 'SMACK !' I slapped him across the face. From the face he was pulling, he looked like he was gonna cry. "M-Mikasa, why did you that?" He sounded like a little child who was on the verge of crying. Voice wobbly, hands trembling, tears welling up in his eyes. I felt kinda bad, but at the same time, satisfied. "Listen up and shut the fuck up. I protect you because you're the only family I have left, you mean everything to me, and I'm not letting you die, you got that?" I lectured. "Y-Yeah," he answered back, sniffling and scared at this new sudden change of attitude. "Good, now go get yourself cleaned up and ready for the Expedition in a few hours, you know what that midget would do if he saw you like that," she ordered. "Al-Alright, sorry," he stammered. He then ran away, but not before he slowly looked back at Mikasa, she had never done that before, it scared yet, amazed him at the same time.

Time Skip- 3 hours later (Expedition)

My squad was assigned to kill the Titans in the forest, as I was the Elite of the squad, I was assigned to go kill a hoard alone. Before I left, Armin told me that he heard Erwin give the order to Eren to turn into a Titan. "Thanks Armin," I replied.  "Don't forget to come back when you see the green smoke, okay?" ordered Levi. "Okay," answered Mikasa. I hope Eren's ok. Mikasa! Stop thinking about Eren, he's been fine the last few Exepeditions, he's not gonna die in this one. Just worry about yourself. I need to learn to trust him more, he can take care of himself, even though he doesn't seem to think I know that whenever he shouts at me. I just wish he realized that I'm just looking out for him, not trying to baby him, I want to keep him from dying, because that was his Mother's dying wish, but I can't let him know that. Maybe he's right, maybe I am going a bit over the top.

As I was navigating my way through the forest, I was on the lookout for any Titans, not really paying attention to anything else because nothing else was as big as a threat. My scarf has never put me in any sort of danger, it was never a threat or a burden to me. All it did was remind of that fateful day, where my parents were murdered and I was saved by Eren, then to be invited to go live with them, which only lasted a year. This scarf is important to me, because if Eren does die, this will be all I have left of him, and that really means something to me.

Shit, a 20 meter, and they're running, better get some speed. As she was gaining speed, the part of her scarf nearest her neck got a stitch stuck in a branch which sent her flying back. Fuck, no, why now? I'm not dying, not here, not now, not like this. As she was trying her best cut the branch, it wouldn't give. The Titan was getting closer and closer, somehow getting faster with each stride. It was either the scarf or her life. I'm sorry Eren, but I need to look out for myself aswell as you. But before she could take off the scarf, the Titan was behind her and before she could react, it raised it's hand, and grazed her back with it's hand. With one swift movement she took off her beloved scarf to get away from the situation.

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