chapter 5

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A/N sorry I forgot to update yesterday!😆

Recap: "Amber I have been wanting to ask you something." She rolled her eyes.
"Go ahead." She scoffed.
What a b*tch.
"I'm Tambry Cole your ex-bestfriend." I said.
"T-a T-a tam-br-y." She stuttered.
"Ya it's me." I said.
"Oh my gosh I've missed you so much I thought you were dead your parents wouldn't say." She said tears falling down her face.
"I thought you hated me?" I said dumbfounded.
"No wait wh- what who told you that I hated you!?" She was getting angry.
I really thought she hated me.
"Jake." I mumbled so only I could hear.
"Speak up em." She shook me a little.
"J-jake told me." Bye the time I had said it I was in tears while she comforted me.
"F*ck jake we'll get back at him hun we'll get back at him." She said patting  my back and I saw an evil glint in her eyes.
"Watch out jake here comes hell." I laughed at her. (End of recap)
"What are we gonna do to him?I asked.
"Come over to my house for a sleep over then we'll talk about it kay?" She sounded confident.
"Okai." I said.
Next day..........
Amber p.o.v
I saw Jake come twords me and I started twisting a piece of my hair.
"Hey babe." He said seductively *note my sarcasm*.
"Hey baby." I said with a smirk.
The first part of our plan was going great.
"So you wanna ditch and go to my house." I mentally gag.
"No let's just go to the old science room." I said trying not to puke.
"Okai come on then." He grabbed my hand.
5 minutes later..........
"Okai, were hear but u thot it was locked?" He sounded so stupid.
"Nope its not." Then I pulled out a key and gave it to him.
"Lead the way babe." I said trying to choke down my laugh.
He opened it and,"WHAT THE F*CK!" He yelled.
I was clutching my side from laughing.
Your probably wondering why I'm laughing well...when he opened the door a can of Tomato sauce spilled all over his white clothes i new that Thursdays were his white days so now it's red.
"Hahahahhahahahahahaha" you could hear tambry laughing her ass off. "You guys are gonna pa-" before he could finish tam hit him in the head and he fell to the ground.
Then me and tambry tool some selfies Cuz why not
we posted them and class was out now.
Everyone came and started taking pictures of him and he was beyond pissed.
"I'll get back at you and It won't be pretty, especially for my head you bitch."

I'm back bitches -SLOW UPDATES-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя