chapter 2

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A\N her first day back outfit and a song that is her alarm sound 😍😉
I'll update when we get to 20 reads
Tell ir friends 😉

HOT AND FRESH OUT THE KITCHEN MAMA ROLLIN THAT BODY GOT EVERY MAN IN HERE WISHIN IT'S THE FREK - "shut up stupid alarm!" I slammed my fist on the alarm and was happy when I heard a crack. Then got up took a shower and brushed my teeth then washed my face.
Then I put my outfit on *up above😉* and my shoes then walked out of my room and grabbed a cup of coffee gulped it down and grabbed a granola bar and yelled goodbye.
I walked out side then was shocked to see my baby in the driveway.
My mom threw me the keys and I hoped in my silver Lamborghini veneno and sped off.
Once I pulled up to the school everyone's jaw dropped.
"Woah that's one lucky guy." I heard a jock whisper.
I parked and stepped out and again their jaws dropped.
I just chuckled.
Then I yelled out the loudest I could "TAKE A PICTURE IT'LL LAST LONGER!".
They took out their phones and started taking pics of me.
There was some kid in front of me.
"Hey are you Jake Long?" I asked.
"Yes pretty lady I am.
And how may I help you this fine mourning?" He replied.
"Do you know who I am?" He looked dumbfounded.
"No, but my u ask Ur name miss." He smirked.
"Well you don't seem to remember so I'll just tell you, I'm Tambry Cole the ugly fat girl." He just laughed so did everyone else.
"No your not she's fat and ugly she moved away along time ago." He said in between laughs.
I kneed him where the sun don't shine and grabbed him bye his hair "listen here Jake, if you ever and i mean ever pick on me or my family, I will hurt you much much worse okai?" He slowly nods.
"And that goes for all of you." I yelled.
Some blonde bimbo came over and was kissing he's head.
"It's gonna be okai babe wait u little- I'll kill you for doing this to him!" She threatened.
"Ya right hun we both no Ur not gonna do sh*t you little wh*re." I said scoffing.
"What did you just call me?"She said getting mad.
I just laughed.
"Don't you dare laugh at me b*tch!"She screamed.
I was beyond pissed.
I grabbed her fake blonde extensions and punched her nose so hard it cracked and I was satisfied.
She was just screaming bloody murder while the blood flowed everywhere.
And then the principle came out.
"S*it." I mumbled so only I could hear.
"Miss Cole, miss sage my office now." "I'm screwed" is all I could think about.
"You two take a seat." We sat down.
"You both know why your in here right?" We nodded slowly.
"Well, now I'll just cut to the punishment, your both suspended for the rest of the week." I was ferious.
'Miss sage' scoffed.
"if you scoff one more time b*tch I'll f*cken break your stupid ass arm." I said through gritted teeth.
"miss Cole we don't want any problems now do we." He stated.
"The only problem you'll have is NO JOB!!!!"I threatened.
"Ha you ain't gonna do s*it so sit your fat ass down" She sounded annoyed.
"Are you f*ucken kidding me?" I said whole raising my fist.
But before I could punch her mr.klien had grabbed my arm.
"Stop this madness now!" He said in a deep voice.
"I think I'll need to call my dad" I said informing him that I could Ruin his job.
"How about just one day for you miss Cole?" He said with fear in his voice.
"Good see you tomorrow Mr. Klein." I said in the most preppiest voice I could make.
Then I just walked to my Lambo and sped off again.
DAMN I just want to drive forever but I'm not gonna run again no not again.

I'm back bitches -SLOW UPDATES-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz