Busty Waitress

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Stacy's POV

It is the first Friday of the school year and I was walking towards my last class. Harry is in my next class.

I smiled knowing that I'd get to see him again. Just a few days ago I had hated him and now we're friends. I don't know why, but I feel safe with him. And maybe I'm starting to trust him...

I walk into class and walk over to Alison and Harry who were talking and laughing.

"Hey guys." I say sitting in my seat. "I thought you guys hated each other?"

Alison and Harry share a look and look back at me.

"We started talking." Alison simply says as she looks back at Harry.

The bell rings and Harry sits in the seat in front of me.

Fifteen minutes into the class and I haven't paid attention to anything Mr. Harper says cause I'm too distracted.

By Harry's curls.

I just stared at them and eventually started to play with them. I hear him chuckle and I smile.

"Something funny, Mr. Styles?" Mr. Harper says and I stop playing with his curls.

"No, no." He says and I could tell he was smirking.

Mr. Harper frowns and looks back at me, then back at Harry.

He continues with whatever he was talking about and I start playing with Harry's curls again. They're so soft...

I see Harry rip a piece of paper out of his notebook and writes something on it. He passes it to me.

Hey babe. You want to go out to dinner after school?

I smile and pick up my pencil and start to write.

Sure :) where to?

I pass it back to Harry and he opens it. He writes and passes it back to me.


I smile and write back.

Okay, meet me there at 6?

I pass it back to him.

This time he turns around and smiles while nodding. I smile back.

"Miss. Anderson." Mr Harper's voice makes me jump.

"Uh, yeah?"

"I would like to see you after class."

He continues to teach and I turn to Alison who's smirking at me. I make sure Mr. Harper isn't looking and I flip her off.

The bell rings and everyone gets up from their seats.

"See you tonight, Stace." Harry winks.

Everyone leaves and I walk up to Mr. Harper.

"You wanted to see me?" I say.

"Yes, your father told me about what happened at your house when Harry came to your house the other day. I told him you both were in my class and he told me he'd prefer it if you weren't in the same class."

My jaw drops. "What? No, he can't do that!"

"Relax, I'm not going to have you switch."

I breath a sigh of relief.

"But," he says. "If he becomes a distraction then I'll have to. Understood?"

I nod. "Good. Tell your father I say hello." He says.

Trust Me (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz