First Day

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Stacy's POV

"Can you believe that they actually put us right next to each other?" My best friend Alison says. We were standing in front of our lockers which were side by side.

"I know. I'm surprised they even let us near each other because of what happened last year." I chuckled.

Last year. My god we almost burnt down the school. We were partners in our cooking class. Lets just say that we will never be taking that class ever again.

Alison laughs as she opens her locker and puts her stuff in and I do the same.

"What class do you have first?" She asks closing her locker and leaning up against it.

I close my locker and pull out my schedule. "Law with Mrs. Piper." I say. "What do you have?"

"Gym." She rolls her eyes. "I can't believe I have gym so damn early in the morning."

I laugh at her. "Sucks to suck."

She sticks her tongue out at me and I laugh again.

"Hey babe." I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I turn my head to see my best friend's boyfriend, Jared, walking over to us.

"Hey hun." Alison says giving him a kiss.

Jared smiles before giving her another kiss. Their kiss deepens and Alison moans as I stand there awkwardly.

"Guys seriously. I'm right here." I put my hands over my eyes.

They stop kissing and Jared laughs. "Aw come on Ace. You've seen it plenty of times."

I roll my eyes at my nickname. "Yeah but it's still awkward."

"Well you could join us." He winks and both Alison and I slap his arm.

"Hey I was just kidding." He raises his hands up in defense.

"We know but you're still perverted." Alison says. "Like seriously, what do I even see in you." She teases.

"Ouch." He says and I laugh.

I stop laughing once I see who's staring at me across the hall with that all too familiar smirk on his face.

Jared turns to see what I'm looking at and he turns angry. "Got a problem bud?" He shouts.

Jensen laughs as he walks up to us. "No. I just wanted to see Stacy." He winks at me.

"Get out of here Jensen." Alison spits.

"Feisty as always, huh Alison?" He smirks.

"Look here." Jared pokes Jensen in the chest. "I told you to leave her alone."

"I can't even say hi?" Jensen says as he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him.

"Get off me!" I yell and try to push away but it's no use.

Jared is now furious and grabs Jensen by the collar and slams him up against the lockers. "Look. I told you to leave her alone so leave her the fuck alone. I can't believe you're trying to get her back after what you did you asshole."

Jensen smirk fades and pushes Jared off of him. He turns to me. "See you around." He smirks and walks away.

I stand there almost about to cry. The nerve of him to even talk to me after what he did.

"You okay, Ace?" Jared asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie.

We stand there silent for a minute before the bell rings signaling we had five minutes to get to class.

"Well I better go." I say walking away.

What a great way to start the first day of Junior year.

Trust Me (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora