'Please take a seat young lady." She said piercing me with here icy blue eyes. I hadn't really looked at this woman fully but one I did she had me in more of a trance than the room did. She was beautiful, pale as a ghost but beautiful. Her hair was raven black, straight and really shiny. She was dressed nice as well, I'm pretty sure she was wearing a designer suit. After taking my seat, I waited for her to speak again.

"I apologize for the rude welcoming earlier in the boutique, Maura is a very, how should I say this; a very caring employee. She likes for the boutique to be at its best all the time, and if she sees something she doesn't like, she likes to fix it."

I was offended a little bit but I let it slide, because at this point all I wanted was direction and to get out of here.

"Your apologies are not needed, all I came in here for was to get directions to a motel and that is all."

I may have spoke a little harsh but I didn't care. Seeing that she was speaking to me as if I was beneath her I figure I'd give a little attitude.

"I understand." She replied walking behind her desk to sit down. She then started typing away on her computer.

She then spoke again.

"It is perfectly okay to not except the apology, but it is store policy to satisfy the needs of every customer. So I have arranged you a ride to the nearest motel in this area."

In my mind I said to myself that I wasn't a customer, but my thoughts of getting free ride override that thought. Smiling I thanked the lady with my upmost sincerity, because whether she was rude to me earlier or not I was grateful for her kind gesture.

Standing up I repositioned Pasta in my arms because he seemed to be uncomfortable. Me and him both. I was so ready to find a motel to shower, eat, and most of all nap. The woman escorted me to the boutique area to walk me to the door. When we stepped outside I could not believe my eyes. What parked before was a sleek black limo with silver lining. My jaw had dropped to the ground.

"I get to ride in this?" I questioned.

She nodded her head yes to confirm my answers and I couldn't help what I did next. I ran to give her a hug. She was shocked at my action because of how tense she was, but she relaxed and excepted it. She smiled, something I didn't think she was capable of. The driver smiled as well and opened the car door once I let go of her. Walking over to the limo I put my bags along with Pasta on the seat.

"Thank you again so much! And I never got your name"

"Callidora, my name is Callidora" She spoke softly.

I said thank you one last time and got into the limo. Mom would have been so excited if she could have ride in it with me. Once I was completely in the limo the driver hurried back to the car and introduced himself.

"Hello my name is Emrick and I will be your driver for the evening." He said politely.

"My name is Jacey nice to meet you Emrick!." I replied reaching my hand through the window that separates the driver from the passengers.

He smiled at me through the rare view mirror and asked me where did I want to go.

"The nearest motel please, but take whatever route that takes the longest I want to enjoy this while I can."

"As you wish ma'am." He stated while driving off and turning on the music.

I was more than content, and I wanted to ride around in this beauty all day.

Emricks POV

She smelt delicious In the back seat, I was surprised at how controlled I was. She has a smell that made me want to feed on human again, but I know I could do that to myself. I left the old me years ago when I nearly killed my fiancé. She's human of course. I met my chocolate beauty junior year of college and we've been together ever since, however it was not an easy in the beginning when she found out what I was. The thought about that memory haunts me everyday and till this day I still cannot fully forgive myself.

"Can you turn the radio station please?"

I heard a small voice ask from the back seat. Looking into the rare view I nodded my head with a small smile. Turning it until I heard a familiar song, I looked into the rare again to see if she was satisfied and as predicted she was. Ever so often I would glance to the back seat to observe her. She looked young and alone. I could sense she was hurting it radiated off of her, but the reason why I don't know.

Jacey's POV

I was enjoying my limo ride, but I couldn't enjoy it fully because I kept thinking about home. I missed my house, my room, everything. I wanted to sleep in m y bed, and not a bed I have to leave every other week because I have to keep moving so that I could feel safe and not get captured. Feeling the car make a complete stop I took the chance to look out the window. We were stopped in front of a motel called Wilshire Serrano. It wasn't a fancy motel like I hopped, but then again what motel is? Getting my bags and Pasta together I felt my door open and was instantly hit with the Californian heat.

"Let me grab one of those for you." He said

" I got it, thank you though." I said politely

He nodded his head in understanding and back up slightly so that I could get out.

"Well Ms. Jacey it was a pleasure driving you this evening, I hope your accommodations suit you well." He lastly said before getting back into the limo and driving off.

Once he was gone I took no time at all in finding the check in desk. I found it rather fast, and was getting reservation for a room in just a few minutes.

"The total cost for each day is $100 would you like to pay in cash or credit?" The woman behind the counter ask.

Wow that is expensive if I'm going to be staying here I'm going to need to get a job.

"Ill be paying in cash today." I said pulling out my wallet from my biggest bag.

30 minutes later.......

I checked into my room for the night and immediately I started thinking about how much money I would be spending through out the duration of my stay. The thought of that scared me because I didn't realize how expensive this would be. If I don't start looking for a job tomorrow then ill be broke by the end of this month.

A few weeks later....

It has been exactly two weeks since I arrived in Los Angeles. I love it here and all, however there are a lot of things I would change If I could. Like the prices on everything. The good thing about my situation is that I found a job at Foot Locker my sixth day I was here. I had to exaggerate during my interview, but what desperate person wouldn't? The money isn't very good but it'll do for now until I feel like I have to up and move again, but everything else is great.

Cuven's POV

I had lost the trail on my little lamb, she was no where to be found in the state of Phoenix, Arizona and I was furious!

"I DONT CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES! FIND HER!" I yelled at all my men.

I cant believe she got away again, she is truly smart to keep moving because when I find her she will never do this again. I am not going to stop looking until every state in this country is searched. Good luck hiding this time lamb enjoy your freedom while it lasts.

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