Chapter Six:The Power to Live

Comenzar desde el principio

Anna and I walked in, already hearing the dance music playing from the farthest reaches of the parking lot. Everyone must be having a fun time. I guess our hard work had paid off after all. A small smile escaped my full lips. Now, that was something new.

Anna split from me as she went to talk to Mr. Noelnder. I has no interest in speaking with him, especially when I don’t fully trust him. Wondering through the endless couples and groupies, I finally found an empty table to sit by. All I wanted to do was hide from existence in this corner till Prom was over.

If everyone ignored me and minded their own business, then I would be in heaven. I don’t think I could physically dance without flinching in pain. My back and shoulders ached the most, twisting in pain as I grazed the now blistered skin. I will just remain here and stay out of everyone’s way, but stick close enough just in case.

A sudden hand gripped my shoulder making me jump three feet.

“Ginger?” I glanced up and smile at the worried faced Anna.

“Are you sure you are ok?” Great, Anna could see right through me, making it impossible to lie to her. I may as well spill my guts right now, knowing that she won’t let me go till I told her.

I nodded my head, watching as she grasped an empty chair, sitting down in front of me. She wasn’t going to let me get away with this, this time.

“Please, Ginger. You have to tell me what’s on your mind. I can’t read your mind, but I can see you are stressing over something.” But sometimes I swear she can read my mind.

I swallowed hard, fidgeting with my fingers as I got extremely nervous. Instinctively, I blurted everything out really fast, trying to release everything at once, which in return gave me a horrendous headache. Anna sighed as she tried to comprehend what I just said.

“Repeat. This time slower.”

Well, here goes nothing. “I am afraid that he will find me.”

“Who?” she stopped, searching my pale face for and answer. “Kevin?”

No, that wasn’t who I was talking about and she knew that, but now that she mentioned it, Kevin could be here also. Great, now I have two people to look out for. I nodded as she spoke Kevin’s name and waited for her to drop the whole subject.

Anna got the point as I continually refused to answer anymore of her questions. Some more dance songs hummed through the school cafeteria, making couples get closer than ever before. I believed six different concerned teachers’ stopped a couple from ‘grinding’.


“Would you like to dance?” I shut my tired eyes and waited for who ever asked to disappear and get the hint that I don’t dance. When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see that Anna was taking the hand of some random senior guy.

She glanced back at me saying, “Do you want to come with?”

I shook my head and winked at the senior guy. He gently grasped Anna’s hand and pulled her along into the already crowded dance floor. She and her mystery lover danced for most of the night, laughing as they both got to know each other.

My head started to throb so I got up and grabbed one of numerous different drinks at one of the main tables by the entrance. My hand randomly grabbed a water and I hurried back to my seating spot. Sitting back down brought intense pain to my back and shoulders, stinging as they slowly reopened to the poisonous air. I laid my head on the faded blue table, praying that the pain would stop soon. A shadow blocked out the light and I pain strikingly looked upwards, shocked.

The shadowed figure was none the less-- Kevin. Why? Why can’t he just leave me alone?

Kevin instantly grasped my puny wrist and pulled me into his strong manly body. I started to shake as he wrapped his hard, strong arms around me, engulfing my also puny body. Breathing became impossible and my fetal attempts of escaping humored him.

“Let go!” I pushed against him only to be forced closer to him. Anna was right, I shouldn’t have been worrying about Sam when Kevin was around. I repeated my demand and prayed that he would listen.

Kevin’s hand found my waist and inched lower to the end of my dress, while pushing me backwards into the darkened, disserted hallway. My mind was working over time as I came to the conclusion of what he was going to do. It confused me though; why is he doing it in a public place? Someone could walk in anytime. He must have gotten sick in tired of waiting on me, to finish what he started.

I silently screamed for help, hoping that some mystical creature of my imagination would save me. Kevin started to get aggressive and decided that this task would be easily done on a hard surface. He found a unlocked teacher’s room and an empty teacher’s desk, shoving me hard against the cold surface, breaking open one of my scars on my bruised back.

Right when I thought I was done for, voices of two people, male and female, erupted in the outside hallway. My mouth opened into a scream, but Kevin covered it with his now clammy hand and sat on top of me. My fighting was useless as the two people’s voices disappeared from my ears. Hope was lost, at least for me.

Kevin started to kiss my jaw and went downwards towards my collarbone, playfully nipping at it with his teeth. He was sick. He caught me off guard when he forcefully kissed me on the lips and tried to gain entrance to my mouth. His tongue pressed hard against my teeth and I could taste his desire for me, engulfing him into insanity. He couldn’t stop because he was totally infatuated with me and wasn’t going to let me escape him ever again.

One of my legs became numb as I uselessly kicked down a pencil container. It crashed onto the hard floor, making quite a lot of noise. I started to kick helplessly as Kevin finally gained entrance into my mouth. He searched around, finding all my weak spots, to wear I couldn’t help but moan.

Kevin lifted away from me to speak frightening words that made me want to throw up. “You know you want me babe.” Kevin’s hand started to trail down my side and legs, but I instantly screamed for help. With that, Kevin took his chance to enter me again, exploring even more in my small dry mouth. He tasted like sex and salt, but he also tasted of a longing for me, one he couldn’t escape since he met me. Damn me for ever giving him a chance with me in Freshman year.

Kevin stopped kissing me and brought his body closer to mine as I pleaded with him. “Please, Kevin! Don’t do it. This isn’t going to help me or you.” He just looked at me as if every word was another volunteer for him to kiss me, but I finally got the strength to stop him. “No!”

“You can’t hold back for ever, Ginger. Your body calls to me. I will have you one way or another.” Kevin smirked as he ran his other hand down my chest and stopped at my stomach. I immediately tried to scurry away from him, but he forcefully held my arms above my head, moving his overly heavy body to mine.

Well, here goes nothing. My life will end here and that was final. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if this happened to me, not sanely. My life was over the instant I allowed Kevin into my life and decided that I was never going to tell anyone about what Nelly and Frank do to me. I would be dead by tonight, no questions asked.

I gave up.

A loud bang came into the room, but I was to afraid to look and opened my tear filled eyes. The heavy weight of Kevin was to much for me, but suddenly the weight disappeared with someone lifting me into their arms and pulling me into their overly warm chest. I was crying hard and refused to open my eyes, to afraid to see who this person was.

My tiny body was lifted into someone’s arms and carried away from the room. The last thing I heard was Kevin yelling at me, calling me names like: slut, and other slurred names as I finally noticed that he was drunk.

My eyes stayed shut tightly as I was lightly set down on a couch that was way to familiar. This couch was in Sam’s office.

My eyes flew open to see Sam kneeling in front of me, looking quite concerned. I instinctively pushed myself away from him, hitting my head against the wall and slamming into the couches farthest end. I was stuck with Sam, in his office.


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