Shades of Terror

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So, here's the next chap! I'm sorry about the wait, but school and life have been mentally exhausting and then my fav show, '9-1-1' has not let me rest with its newest drama dealing with Eddie and his problems. So yeah, I'm still reeling from all that, no rest for the weary and all. But I wanted to get something out for you guys, since you've all waited patiently. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Going to Mandalore to take some time after how her last mission ended was both a blessing and a curse. Blessing in that she got to visit the planet her mother called home once and truly learn about it, unlike the last time she visited. It was a curse, however, in that even though she was fully healed thanks to the bacta tank, her aunt still acted like she was hurt and could do nothing but rest. Half the time it was being confined to the rooms and the other half was sitting on a chair watching Satine lead her planet and the Neutral System Party.

While she was grateful to see how Satine led up close and personal, she liked it more when she hung out with Korkie and his friends. They at least showed her around and told her what they knew about Tara and Azdok. Which unfortunately wasn't much since after the two married Tara left Mandalore while Azdok never really resided on Mandalore until after their birth and that was only for the first year at Satine's insistence.

Considering Tara had resided on Mandalore through her childhood, it seemed like during the war in Satine's and Tara's life which resulted in Obi-Wan and his Master protecting them, destroying a lot of the records regarding them. Maybe the next time she went to Concord Dawn, she'd ask the Haat'ade about the two.

At the moment, she finally convinced Satine she would be fine standing, so there she was. Standing beside and slightly behind her Aunt as she talked with her council. Listening to them talk and debate, and argue, was interesting as for most of the time, they listened to each other and started respectful debates on the merits. Then there were the few times when arguments started, which always ended with Satine glaring at them all with thinly veiled insults of how they were acting before calling for a break.

They had just gotten back from one such break, finally making progress instead of digressing into arguments once more. A guard rushed in then with a frantic look and worry flowing off him like a waterfall. "Duchess, the shipping docks are under attack," he said, and at that, Satine looked worried.

"By whom? The Death Watch?" Satine asked as she started to stand up. Ikoe took a step forward, her brows furrowed as she looked at the guard. It was concerning that Kyr'tsad was still a problem after all this time, based on Satine's worry.

"No, it appears to be a crime syndicate. Our guards are helpless against their numbers, and the

people are demanding we do something to stop them," the guard reported, and Ikoe turned to look at her aunt with a determined glint in her eyes.

"I'll help," she said, watching as Satine hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Go. You can get whatever you need from the armory," Satine said, and Ikoe barely got a nod out before she rushed after the guard to the armory.

"Message the guards on docks, they should focus on getting the civilians out of harm's way. Once they do that, they can focus on pushing them back until more help can arrive," Ikoe said, earning a nod from the guard who relayed the information while she got a force staff and blaster from the guard stationed in the armory.

Once they were heading off again, the guard looked at her with a serious expression. "They managed to get most of the workers out, sadly a couple perished when they fought back. Most guards are on the way," the man explained, and Ikoe nodded. As they rushed toward where the land speeders were waiting. However, before they could reach them, bolt shots filled the air that were soon followed by screaming. Turning, Ikoe's lips curled in disgust as she watched the tall, green skinned aliens attacked people.

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