Betrayal On Umbara

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Welp, it's the Umbara Arc. There are going to be changes to it. Now, the Arc takes 4 episodes which would normally mean 4 chapters, but for both of our sanities, I'm going to be condensing them down into either one LONG chapter or two chapters. Now, I hope you guys enjoy it!

Umbara was a dreadful place covered by darkness twenty-four seven. There wasn't a normal day and night. It was dark at all hours which led to trouble seeing anything. But it also led to everything being incredibly dangerous on Umbara. Since the start of the mission, they've been on guard and on edge. Everything on Umbara was willing and able to kill them. Even plants. That had been a surprise but at this point, it wasn't a shocker for either Anakin or Ikoe. The Umbarans themselves were more than happy to use their home against them.

Ikoe despised the planet. It was covered in darkness and death. They've already lost several men to the planet. She knew it was a part of war, but she didn't have to like it. She felt their loss closely, and she knew Anakin did as well. It confused her why only the 501st and 212th were sent to take the planet. It felt like a suicide mission. She knew how good the 501st and 212th were. But that didn't mean they could take a whole planet by themselves.

She was grateful to know though that the 312th was coming to assist in taking down the Separatist fleet that surrounded the planet. Following after Anakin, her blade a blur around her, they made it off the ridge quickly with the men all finding cover behind plants. "Are you sure they're coming?" Rex asked doubtfully as they waited for the air support that Anakin had called for. No sooner had he said it, they watched as two fighters came down and bombed the ridge they had just been on. She recognized the paint being part of the 312th but couldn't even guess who was flying the ships. "Glad we got off that ridge."

"Yeah," Anakin said with a shake of his head before watching a LAAT come down in front of them to reveal General Krell. Ikoe couldn't stop her frown as she looked at the Besalisk.

"General Krell's here?" Fives asked softly, his tone full of distaste, recalling what he heard from his brothers.

"Master Krell, my thanks for the air support," Anakin said with a bow of his head.

"Indeed, General Skywalker," Master Krell replied.

"The locals have proven to be more resourceful than we anticipated. But that's not the reason for your visit?" Anakin asked folding his arms and the Besalisk shook his head.

"No. The Council has ordered you back to Coruscant, effective immediately," he reported.

"What? Why?" Anakin demanded.

"I'm afraid a request was made by the Supreme Chancellor, and the Council obliged. That is all they would tell me," Master Krell answered and Ikoe scowled at that, not liking it a bit

"Well, I can't just leave my men," Anakin argued and Ikoe sighed softly.

"I'll be here to watch over them, Master Skywalker," she said and Anakin glanced over at her.

"You no doubt have the experience, but," Anakin began and Ikoe waved him off.

"I also have Captain Rex, Commander Appo, and my ARCs Fives, Hevy, and Echo with me to help," she replied and Anakin slowly nodded at that.

"That is also true," he agreed and turned when Master Krell made a sound.

"That won't be necessary, Padawan Kryze. I will be taking over in the interim," Master Krell said and Anakin glanced between them.

"While I have no doubt you are an excellent leader, the men are more familiar working with Ikoe," Anakin said and Master Krell looked at her intensely.

"No matter, she does not have the experience to lead. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine requested I be put in command," Master Krell replied and Anakin sighed with a shrug.

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