Between Light and Darkness -Chapter 1-

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First of all this ongoing story is written by myself and my best friend Madeline. Credit does not all go to me, it's a team effort. 

Leticia’s POV


The pain was unbearable! I feel like I was being ripped from the inside out, I was bitting my tongue and holding on to anything I could grab. I could feel droplets of sweat, clinging to my fringe and falling down my cheeks and into my mouth. The taste was sour. I screamed and pushed harder but nothing was happening, the pain was only getting worse. A stabbing feeling, it was horrible, childbirth was horrible.

I needed Owen here, I know I can’t do this by myself. But the pack needed him tonight and there was nothing I could do about it. After all, he was the alpha.

Sometimes I think to myself, would it be easier if I weren’t a Faye and my husband wasn’t a Werewolf? And what about my child? My unborn child.. what will happen to it? I swore to myself the moment I found out I had a life growing inside of me.. I promised that I would do anything in my power to protect it, and I am going to keep that promise.

I then heard faint, but loud footsteps.. running almost.. towards the house. Because I was too weak to have this baby in human form, I had to be a Faye, and my hearing was kicking in to action. I was hearing so many things I could never hear before.

The footsteps were getting louder, the furniture was almost shaking. In a matter of 5 seconds the door burst open almost breaking off it’s hinges, and Owen skidded in the doorway, collapsing in a heap as he started transforming back into human form. I sighed a sigh of relief, I was so glad he was back in time. 

It was almost time to push again, when Owen crawled over to me, put a cold cloth on my head and held my hand.

“I’m sorry I had to leave you, I didn’t want to but I didn’t have a choice. How’s the baby?” he put his hand on my belly, and I instantly felt safe. Even his presence made me feel safe. 

“It’s fine, trust me, I know how much they mean to you. Did you see the other pack?” I asked before letting out another long cry and a push.

“Yes. They want the land, and everything on it. They won’t stop until they have it. But don’t worry, I will protect our family, we won’t be going anywhere” and he smiled a bright smile. 

“Okay one more push and we should have him out before you know it.”

“Who said it would be a boy?” I let out what i thought was a laugh, but ended up being a croaky sounding giggle.

I squeezed his hand so tightly I felt I was going to break it off. I pushed and pushed, more sweat pouring down my face. The pain was subsiding and I started to feel light headed. I lent back and my head hit the ground with a thud.

“It’s a girl! Honey look, your daughter is here! Should we use the name we picked out a few weeks ago?” Owen asked, and cried with relief.

“Yes, we will name her Zandra.”

I didn’t have enough strength to sit back up, but I could see my baby from here. She was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen. As soon as I layed eyes on her, I instantly noticed. She was half Fairy and Half werewolf. I don’t know why but something inside me knew that wasn’t a good thing. She had bright blue eyes, that in a light. looked brown. Her skin was very pale and the only strands of hair I could see on her head was a chestnut brown, just like mine. She had Owen’s smile, it warmed my heart as she smiled, no teeth, just gums. This happy moment was spoiled by a sharp pain in my head. I started feeling all sweaty again, especially on my legs, but as I looked down, it wasn’t sweat, it was crimson red blood. Everywhere. More than there should be.

“Owen, what’s happening?!” I scream franticly.

He looked over at me and his eyes suddenly widened, putting Zandra down and rushing over, his hands shaking. 

“Don’t you die on me! Don’t you dare! Stay with me Leticia, please!” Owen cried.

The next moments were blurry, and full of pain. My eye sight got worse, I couldn’t hear anything and the bleeding wouldn’t stop. As much as Owen would try to stop it, his efforts went to waste.

I don’t know if it’s like everyone says, that you see a bright light and your life flashes before you eyes. it didn’t happen to me. The last thing I saw before the darkness overcame me, was my beautiful baby girl. Then .. nothing..


Owen’s POV

“Daddy! Look a ladybug! I think it’s hurt” 

It had been 3 years exactly since my wife passed away. It was Zan’s birthday today, I don’t know how it would feel to grow up not having a mother. But i’m doing the best I can. I promised I would protect my family, with Leticia or no Leticia. Of course I miss her, a day doesn’t go by when I don’t think about her. 

“Daddy, look, I made the ladybug better again!” Zandra called from the garden, as she sat cross legged pulling a ladybug off a flower. Ever since she had learn’t how to walk, she had learn’t how to use all her abilities. Zandra is half Faye and half werewolf, she also has the ability to heal things, which she uses quite regularly. 

“That’s great honey! I’m about to go get your birthday cake sorted, wanna go wash your hands?” I said as I walked into the kitchen and put 3 candles in the cake, and took out the matches. 

“All done Daddy.” Zan walked into the kitchen, in her pink floral dress. Her mother made it for her while she was still pregnant. Things like this remind me of how good time were before it all happened. I cling to these memories..


It was getting late, I had just finished putting Zan to bed when I heard wolf cries from the distance. I knew that sounds anywhere, it was my pack. Usually they don’t need me this late, but if it was this late, it had to be important.

I wrote a note to Zandra, just incase she wakes up, telling her where I would be. I folded it perfectly and sat it by the fireplace. As I left, I felt an eerie presence around the house, I don’t know why. I ignored it and ran towards the sound of my pack. Not knowing that I wouldn’t be returning home.

-End of Chapter 1-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2013 ⏰

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